
Here's the deal and I'm gonna RT this for my own TL. People are big mad. The people they're big mad at, do not listen and do not care and will mock them. Fighting is hard work. Jbouie is a good guy so they feel safe venting their spleen at him. This is also bullshit.
This is called by many terms, such as displaced anger, displaced aggression What it IS, is like... A child is big mad at a parent and cannot express this and cannot safely engage this; they may be ignored, or punished. So instead they go kick the shit out of Timmy on the playground.
Or they have an issue at work and come home and yell at their partner and kids and kick the dog. This is...extraordinarily commonplace. But it's not okay. On social media, people on our team whatever you want to call the group that isn't for genocide, isn't for oppression, etc. like to go for the
motherfucking throat on purity issues. To wit someone, somewhere will tell me today I love genocide because I think Trump is a very real threat to *waves hands* everything we fuckin care about. /sigh
Who do people think is going to come in and replace Biden or Trump that ISN'T going to be pro-Israel on policy? The only choices that will be presented to the voters will be aligned to specific aspects of foreign policy, and that's one of them.
My wives and I are planning to vote differently from each other. I feel Starmer is too transphobic or too willing to cosy up to transphobes to vote for. They don’t feel that way for differing reasons. I don’t begrudge them that, nor do I think they are transphobic/self hating for it.