
So the reason Trump and his ilk are distancing themselves from Project 20fuckAmericans is twofold. The first is simple and not a real important one for you to focus on. Trump is a malignant narcissist, and must needs be the Bride at every wedding and the corpse at every funeral. So there's a level
upon which such things deeply wound him. THEY aren't the important person HE IS! Plus such people as Trump, while they want every award, demand all credit...outside of that they've learned to be hazy so they are not made to be held to ACCOUNT. There's more there but that's the jist and ..nothing new
THE REALLY IMPORTANT PART IS Trump might win. He really might fucking win. And The Powers That Be, have realized that. And as such, this shit, while absolutely being on the table is toxic as fuck so they NEED to distance. It's too 'Here's Our Plan To Murder'
And it's also poison to the money makers and shakers who want Trump as a *puppet* to make them more bux, deregulate, drill baybee drill, tax breaks, etc. Oh they'll happily aid and abet him in doing a lot of horrible evil shit, provided the money keeps rolling in and in and in
And it's really important to note that the lynchpin that changed it for these evil fucks, was a bad debate by Joe Biden (while Trump monstrously lying was not really checked and instead has been 'well hee hee that's Trump') and the bullshit of replacing him. Which is not going to happen, but...
in a world which it does, Trump REALLY might win. So yeah. This is deeply terrifying shit.
I went over to the hellsite (mainly to enjoy UK progressives sort of finishing up the cheering over election results) and was stunned to see how many US progressives there are obsessing over Biden's fitness just when they need to close ranks. The civil war has been declared and they're not ready.
And still bringing half a blunt knife to a gunfight.
And people are way to quick to confuse criticism of the dems and their running Joe again (knowing how Trump/GOP would exploit his weakness) as "Vote for Trump!" The Dem politicians should be held accountable for their endless group masturbation, where they're too comfortable in their jobs to work.
We've got the same thing happening in Canada with Trudeau now. Dude basically ran on his hair for the last several years.
Yeah, Biden almost explicitly acknowledged during the last election that he would have 3.5 years to get a successor set up, and then I don't think I EVER saw Harris get the publicity that he himself had when he was Obama's VP; & that's not even touching them constantly Lucying the progress football.