
Biden wins re-election then resigns after he's reinaugurated at 12:01 on January 20th, his duty to stop Trump fulfilled. Everyone will still be there so Kamala, now President Harris can have her moment as well. And then we go from there. Easy, peasy.
Ah, and then President Harris drone strikes mar a lago as an "official act' because 6-3
I was hoping that someone would strand Trump and friends on a broken yacht in the middle of the pacific garbage patch, as an official act
Should wait until he's been in office for two years and one day so it doesn't count as a term for her and she can run twice.
I had a HUGE debate with one of my boys about Kamala, Trump and Biden. I don’t understand why so many men are anti-woman and WOULD take Trump/Biden over a woman I’ll take ANYONE over those two! I’ll vote for YOU and ANYONE here from BlueSky over those 2 I don’t understand the Kamala Hate 🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️
And i DON’T want to understand the Kamala hate I hate when MEN are sexist smh 🗣️🗣️Coming from a man! Women CAN too! EVERYONE CAN!