
Starting to see the Tumblr/Discord/Twitter trauma cluster blame everyone criticizing them for being transphobic and transmisogynist and I'm here to tell you that it is not at all. The criticism is well deserved. They, as people, fucked up because they ignored Kairi's flaws, and our warnings.
I'm just so sick of people hiding behind identities that were created specifically to other and dehumanize us. Do people not realize that idpol comes from white supremacy and liberalism? We're humans first. Our identities are secondary. We have to fight for our humanity, not our identities.
And no, I'm not saying "be colorblind" or ignore systemic oppression. It's important to understand everyone's unique struggles. But that's important because it is humanizing. It helps us contextualize justice in our society. But interpersonal we have to see /everyone/ as humans first.
When we fight together and we fight as people with a common humanity and a common cause, our differences disappear. Then we see each other.
Lol my brain went so off course. Sorry, I have to live with this broken thing, too.
>They, as people, fucked up because they ignored Kairi's flaws, and our warnings. Say it louder for the people in the back.
The reason I became so vocal was to protect people in the community who I have become friends with on the site. If that means they wanna label me whatever they want, so be it. But even in the heart of hearts of those who tried to slander me, they know I would NEVER discriminate against them...
I won't stop fighting for people who have already been marginalized because of it either. And if people wanna keep calling me an asshole, I can absolutely live with that as long as I know it's the right thing to do...
I know what you mean. I feel the same way.