
All the "Trump would be worse for Palestinians" people need to tell me what they think would be worse than starving to death
⚠️ Reuters, from the United Nations Humanitarian Coordinator: Famine in Gaza is an imminent danger, and there are almost no food stocks left in southern Gaza, and the entry of fuel has become almost impossible. 1/
Palestine English News ⚠️ Reuters, from the United Nations Humanitarian Coordinator: Famine in Gaza is an imminent danger, and there are almost no food stocks left in southern Gaza, and the entry of fuel has become almost i...
“Well Joe Biden doesn’t actually hate them but Donald Trump does. So that’s a difference!! Also nukes!!111” - democrats on this site
At this point the obvious solution to the Trolley Problem that is Biden Vs Trump would be to push the trolley off the line and set the damn thing on fire.
This should not be about who's worse. This should be about why this is unnacceptable. It's pointless to argue why Trump would be worse when the bar is set at mass murdering children, hiding mass graves under hospitals and encircling people in safe zones to starve them out and shoot on sight.
The same thing, but after hinting he would solve the problem, giving false hopes to people who care more about Palestinians than Everyone having a slightly decent life. He won't solve shit, he's here to save his ass and his only. Besides, he only believes in good deals, and Israel has better assets.