Terra Invicti Solis 🏳️‍⚧️✝️

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Terra Invicti Solis 🏳️‍⚧️✝️


Just your friendly neighborhood Episcopalian trans woman (she/her) I love music weightlifting and athletics and sometimes delve into politics
i wonder if they hired more or less women after this post
Wow this is bad like really really bad I feel like I need a shower after reading this
The country needs to tip into unrestrained blood and soil fascism so that a better more progressive party can emerge from the ashes is like all apocalyptic fantasies: making some big assumptions about who exactly is going to make it through
Danse Russe - Full Audio Poem - by William Carlos Williamsyoutu.be Danse Russe - Full Audio Poem - by William Carlos Williams Williams was born in Rutherford, New Jersey. His grandmother, an Englishwoman deserted by her husband, had come to the United States with her son, remarried, and moved to Puerto Rico. Her son, Williams' father, married a Puerto Rican woman of French Basque and Dutch Jewish descent. Williams received his primary and secondary education in Rutherford until 1897, when he was sent for two years to a school near Geneva and to the Lycée Condorcet in Paris. He attended the Horace Mann School upon his return to New York City and after having passed a special examination, was admitted in 1902 to the medical school of the University of Pennsylvania, from which he graduated in 1906.[2][3] He published his first book, Poems, in 1909. Williams married Florence Herman (1891--1976) in 1912, after his first proposal to her older sister was refused.[4] They moved into a house in Rutherford, New Jersey, which was their home for many years. Shortly afterward, his second book of poems, The Tempers, was published by a London press through the help of his friend Ezra Pound, whom he met while studying at the University of Pennsylvania. Although his primary occupation was as a family doctor, Williams had a successful literary career as a poet. In addition to poetry (his main literary focus), he occasionally wrote short stories, plays, novels, essays, and translations. He practiced medicine by day and wrote at night. Early in his career, he briefly became involved in the Imagist movement through his friendships with Pound and H.D. (whom he also befriended at the University of Pennsylvania), but soon he began to develop opinions that differed from theirs. In 1915 Williams began to associate with a group of New York artists and writers known as "The Others."[5] Founded by the poet Alfred Kreymborg and the artist Man Ray, this group included Walter Conrad Arensberg, Wallace Stevens, Mina Loy, Marianne Moore and Marcel Duchamp. In 1920, Williams was sharply criticized by many of his peers (like H.D., Pound, and Wallace Stevens) when he published one of his most experimental books, Kora in Hell: Improvisations. Pound called the work "incoherent" and H.D. thought the book was "flippant."[6] The Dada artist and poet Baroness Elsa von Freytag-Loringhoven critiqued Williams's sexual and artistic politics in her experimental prose poem review entitled "Thee I call 'Hamlet of Wedding Ring'", published in The Little Review in March 1921.[7] A few years later, Williams published one of his seminal books of poetry, Spring and All, which contained classic Williams poems like "By the road to the contagious hospital," "The Red Wheelbarrow," and "To Elsie." However, in 1922, the year before Williams published Spring and All, T.S. Eliot published The Waste Land which became a literary sensation and overshadowed Williams' very different brand of poetic Modernism. In his Autobiography, Williams would later write, "I felt at once that The Waste Land had set me back twenty years and I'm sure it did. Critically, Eliot returned us to the classroom just at the moment when I felt we were on a point to escape to matters much closer to the essence of a new art form itself—rooted in the locality which should give it fruit." And although he respected the work of Eliot, Williams became openly critical of Eliot's highly intellectual style with its frequent use of foreign languages and allusions to classical and European literature.[8] Instead, Williams preferred colloquial American English.[9] - We hope you enjoyed Danse Russe - Full Audio Poem - by William Carlos Williams and If you did enjoy Danse Russe - Full Audio Poem - by William Carlos Williams please link and comment. For more videos like Danse Russe - Full Audio Poem - by William Carlos Williams please Subscribe to Poetry Database.
Watching Gen V and honestly wasn’t expecting a close up of a penis lol
Happy independence day to all who remember why we declared independence and a very fuck off to those who think kings are good actually.
Thirdly practicing Christians don’t really agree on the basics of teaching the Bible what if your teacher said the Bible encourages slavery (Ephesians 6:5-8) or on the other hand that it’s supportive of LGBTQ folks (Matthew 19:10-12 & Acts 8)…
I do not trust a teacher to teach Christianity because of these points 1. It’s unconstitutional to favor any religion 2. Why would we want public teachers to teach the Bible when they have no required theological training
Or that Christian’s are required to share everything they own in a system that is basically communism (acts 2:42-44)
I do not trust a teacher to teach Christianity because of these points 1. It’s unconstitutional to favor any religion 2. Why would we want public teachers to teach the Bible when they have no required theological training
That sounds suspiciously like something someone who would eat a human would say. (screenshot via @acyn.bsky.social on Twitter)
I transitioned cause I could
I transitioned so my brother could have a sister that wasn’t a manipulative bitch
Also cool candles lady’s love candles speaking from experience
New idea for a store call it “bitches love candles”
Oh god that’s what they replaced the cool as shit esoteric store with
There were so many better options to respond but instead they went with the one that entertains the idea this actually fucking happens
This is the worlds worst advertisement I’m totally confused about what they actually provide
Also it kinda feels like they just said “how many different fonts can we fit into the ad let’s find out!” Yes I am that petty
seriously fuck the 4th 🖕🖕
Honestly I can’t see a single good reason to celebrate 4th of July this year what the fuck am I gonna celebrate the head long race towards fascism? the stripping of regulations in this country? There’s nothing to be proud of