
My relationship to Twitter currently consists of an internal competition between years of habitually opening up the app in moments of boredom and the experience of how much browsing through the content sucks now.
Agree. But I find Bluesky doesn't quite have the network effects of "everyone is there" yet. I still find myself turning to it during hot political moments or sporting events.
I know that Twitter provided that unique value and BlueSky isn't anywhere near that level of polish and singular source yet, but honestly I kind of dread it becoming that. The ways in which it is not the same make it very cozy and pleasant right now.
today's bluechecks are the worst posters I've ever seen in my 20 years of internet use
Accurate description of my experience before I finally threw in the towel. Everyone has their own breaking point, I suppose
I’m slowly inching towards finally ripping off the bandaid, downloading my bookmarks and data from all my accounts, and deactivating all of it each new moral line crossed by Musk and his supporters makes staying there less and less justifiable I wish checking it wasn’t such a hard habit to break
No it sucks so hard. Having to break the habit is far more difficult than I thought it would be
I've a handful of Twitter accounts bookmarked in my browser that I'll check up on every day or two and outside of that I just can't warrant the eyeball abuse.
Last time I logged in (around Labor Day) it was just wall-to-wall nazi shit and bot scams.
I barely log in there. I expect you don’t have a choice, with your work.
it is truly amazing how awful musk made the entire experience. from wading through a hundred blue check dipshits posting 🎯🎯🎯 or 🤣🤣🤣 to seeing a frankly exhausting amount of increasingly niche advertisements about bean jizz or whatever
That's why I deleted. Now I have to log on in a browser and even with that little effort it gets me to reconsider
I was spoiled for years on Tweetdeck which made twitter actually bearable and usable, and then they sold out and tweetdeck became nothing but a link to the premium sub button and vanilla twitter came crashing down on me like a rotten house migrating the instant I got a code was the easiest thing
And Glad they Banned me from Elon's man cave!
The same battle I'm fighting...
I'm not logged in currently, and the trending pages are unusable. Any # is full of keyword stuffed posts. The suggested videos have <10 likes and occasionally include gore, full length porn, and youth violence.