
🚨 PICARD MOVIE??? We may see the continuing adventures of #StarTrekPicard as a movie! A script was revealed to be in the works by Patrick Stewart himself in his episode of the „Happy Sad Confused“ Podcast! What do you think of a Picard Movie? #StarTrek Source:
I feel like the whole point of Season 3 was to give them a proper sendoff. This just jeopardizes that, but I’m down for it if it’s basically what we’ve been asking for with “Legacy.”
I don’t really want this? What else is there to say?
I'm not on board, if I'm honest. Just like when the TOS crew LITERALLY signed off on Star Trek 6 and then The Shat comes back in Generations. They put a nice pretty bow on Picard and his story. Doesn't need to be reopened.
I think it needs SOME closure of a lot of open plot threads (Where was the anomaly of S2 in S3, where were Agnes' borg, how did Q come back, and what the literal fuck was that?!). But I'm not sure I trust him or the rest of the team to provide that after the clusterfuck that was S3. 😕
Happy to watch any true continuation of the Star Trek Saga (as apposed to prequels, reimaginings etc.)