🌿Elaine Tipping🍃

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🌿Elaine Tipping🍃


✨Comic creator✨ Pathways: CoT w/ @darkhorsecomics.bsky.social, Fates Errant +more ・ artist for Critical Role-RST ・ Agent @draper-claire.bsky.social
・日本語OK ・Parent, queer (name/they/she)
🏠 https://elainetipping.com/
✨ https://linktr.ee/ElaineTipping
💕Thank you so much to my new supporter, Shura!!💕 Holy bananas, you got us to 10 stamps!!! That means a SECOND bonus drawing for supporters, WOOO!!! This is wild, the support has been so amazing since I put out the post on tumblr, thank you!!!! Getting closer each pledge!!
Pathways - 681 Awww, Zanae's a good bean under all that sneakiness XD #webcomics #comics ~Read more~ pathways.elainetippi... Support on patreon.com/TriaElf9 or ko-fi.com/triaelf9 ~Home Site~ elainetipping.com/#webcomics #comics ~Read more~ pathways.elainetippi... Support on patreon.com/TriaElf9 or ko-fi.com/triaelf9 ~Home Site~ elainetipping.com/
💕Thank you so much to my new supporter, Sankam!!💕 AH waking up to another new awesome supporter?? WHATTT you all are so amazing!!! Back up to 280 supporters, first time since March, and heading back to where we need to be at to support the family! and just ONE stamp away?? AHH!
💕Thank you so much to my new supporter, bi-stalar!!💕 AH a new supporter right before I head off to bed?? omg, what a fantastic end to an overall darn great day of support that means the WORLD to me, especially right now! And only 2 stickers to go to get ANOTHER bonus sketch??
💕Thank you so much to my new supporters, April, Aleksandra, and Revolos55!!💕Oh, what a lovely surprise to wake up too, three new amazing supporters, and three stamps to add to the card! That means there's a bonus sketch coming for supporters AND back to $200 down from the bare minimum milestone!
I CAN'T WAIT FOR THE NEW ANIME and guess who drew these mostly from memory b/c of how many times I drew them in baby Elaine years XD So enjoy this lil' fun I had with some new pens (which ROCK BTW) #rayearth #MKR #bskyart
💕Thank you so much to my new supporter, Caleb!!💕 Oh my gosh, we're now at 4 stamps, just one away from the 5 to get a bonus sketch! EE! And your support means so SO much to me, I wouldn't have an income & be able to to all I do without amazing folks like you!
Aww, my art made the tournament clear file again XD got a lil gifty, but had to stand in front of everyone to receive it nooooo, do not perceeeeeive meeeee >__<
Pathways - 680 Dhiren having a moment #webcomics #comics ~Read more~ pathways.elainetippi... Support on patreon.com/TriaElf9 or ko-fi.com/triaelf9 ~Home Site~ elainetipping.com/#webcomics #comics ~Read more~ pathways.elainetippi... Support on patreon.com/TriaElf9 or ko-fi.com/triaelf9 ~Home Site~ elainetipping.com/
Without downloading new pics, describe your gender in one image
Without downloading new pics, describe your gender in one image
Pathways - 679 The planners ^_^ #webcomics #comics ~Read more~ pathways.elainetippi... Support on patreon.com/TriaElf9 or ko-fi.com/triaelf9 ~Home Site~ elainetipping.com/#webcomics #comics ~Read more~ pathways.elainetippi... Support on patreon.com/TriaElf9 or ko-fi.com/triaelf9 ~Home Site~ elainetipping.com/
Been wanting to get back to my toning & inking roots and test some stuff out for a future comic, so I thought I'd make a little fun thing with my take on the Downfall crew ^_^ #CriticalRole #manga #comics #CriticalRolespoiler #Downfall #CriticalRoleart #criticalrolefanart #bskyartist
Jumping on the bandwagon to send my two current game OCs to Aeor b/c they'd both really love to go...for VERY different reasons XD Ronan, for history reason (tho their moms might not be thrilled lol) and Vitel for How Many Awful Items Can I Collect (w/ the help of their gecko named Gecko) XD
If you see this, QRP with a character that has long hair! Got so many of them XD But they mostly tie their hair up and back XD
If you see this, QRP with a character that has long hair! My gorls Kijo and Yasha both have very long hair. Kijo's hair goes down to like, her calves. Yasha's is down past her butt right now. I just really like drawing long, silky hair, okay?? #originalcharacter #ocart
Playing around with the Kuretake ZIG illustration set, and did a little doodle of my Inquisitor post Trespasser scince I've been getting excited about Veilguard XD
Just a lil doodly-do after a fun Sailor Moon day XD
There's like 100 ppl in line already and it doesn't open for another 40 min lol And THAT'S why you get here early lol さすがセーラームーン XD
Pathways - 678 Mor watch out, Quinel isn't as tough as you are! XD #webcomics #comics ~Read more~ pathways.elainetippi... Support on patreon.com/TriaElf9 or ko-fi.com/triaelf9 ~Home Site~ elainetipping.com/#webcomics #comics ~Read more~ pathways.elainetippi... Support on patreon.com/TriaElf9 or ko-fi.com/triaelf9 ~Home Site~ elainetipping.com/
Monthly livestreams times for next week! Come hang, chat and watch some art! Keep me on task while I work on a bajillion comics XD twitch.tv/triaelf9
Whaaatttt theeeeee fuuuuuuuuucccckkkk was thaaaaaatttttttt openingggggg??? #CriticalRole #CriticalRoleSpoilers #CriticalRolefanart
💕Thank you so much to my new supporter, Rose!!💕 WHATTT another supporter already??? So amazing, ahhh! I'm only able to do what I do because of amazing folks like you!! You're so awesome!! And with 3 stamps, we only have two until the bonus sketch, WHATT!