
amongst the many reasons why i am so sad that twitter has been destroyed is that it was a good way for me to meet people who care about what i have to say. brutally reminded of how in-person so much of the tech industry still treats me as just another dumb woman to ignore.
The current tech industry is over. They did it to them self. What is going to replace them I don't know. I hope it is something better.
I wish you could ~feel~ my solidarity eye roll. I miss the way Old Twitter helped me find cool people who had interesting things to say. (Interestingly I was first introduced to you here and not the bad place, which just underlines your point 🙃)
I knew who you are here, because I knew who you were there. I can't be the only one. Do you not think people here are likely to be receptive on these topics?
it’s less that people here aren’t receptive and more that the fracturing of attention and reach across platforms sucks :(
Oh, yeah, I feel that. If I was using this for any focused purpose I would feel the same. I just use it to make dumb jokes and chat with people who are doing interesting stuff, really.