
6 Justices seem to think that a President Trump would never target them should they ever do anything he dislikes. The path to autocracy is littered with discarded quislings, none of whom ever thought *they* would be the ones underfoot.
The conservative Justices really think that they couldn't be targets of Trump's "official" powers if they step out of line even once. On the same week that Trump gloatingly posts about holding a show trial for Mitch McConnell.
Presidential candidate who the far-right members of the Supreme Court just placed above the law tells voters how he will exercise his new powers.
Brett Kavanaugh was so proud of this decision that he brought his *parents* to hear it read. There's a not-insignificant chance they're going to see Trump's propaganda and show trial engines spin up against him BECAUSE of this decision.
All takes is not jumping high enough when Trump, or any other tyrant, says "jump." Just ask Mike Pence.