Joyce Park

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Joyce Park

Co-founder/CTO twice. In my heart I'll always be a webdev. Almost died twice (brain aneurysm and adrenal adenoma). She/her.
Oceans of bullshit, courtesy of the Supreme Court.
Parts of the Biden administration’s healthcare nondiscrimination rule went into effect today, but three federal judges — all GOP appointees — issued injunctions against aspects of it, including a Mississippi judge who issued a nationwide injunction blocking the rule’s gender identity protections.
Trans healthcare anti-discrimination rule blocked nationwide as other LGBTQ rule challenges Some aspects of the rule enforcing Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act go into effect on Friday. Also: Another Title IX rule injunction.
We will be celebrating the holiday in typical Washington State fashion by attending a gun-oriented event where we will contribute a bunch of homemade galbi that I'm confident we will never get to eat.
Ah yes, one of the two weeks every year that make me SO HAPPY that Hundo doesn't react to fireworks.
Truly did not learn until today that my husband supports the Mexican men's soccer team.
Having a horrible Monday except for this guy
Supreme Court fucked us, Klay Thompson went to the Mavs, and for reasons the mosquitos bit my face and hands.
So if he shoots someone on Fifth Avenue, you can prosecute. But if he has Seal Team Six shoot that person, he's IMMUNE from anything except impeachment unless the other party has a majority of non-cowards. Is that where we are?
Me: When is [your friend] coming to pick you up? He said 20 minutes. Husband: It's ADHD twenty minutes, that could be five hours...
How long do you allow a spider to rest in your bathroom sink before you move it?
I'm an immigrant so I grew up with more regressive gender relations than most Americans of my class, and my fear was always to be trapped in an unhappy marriage by, above all, children. It's a nightmare to see that trap being reassembled step by step for women today. No birth control, no abortion,
The dogs, acting in concert, actually managed to squeeze me entirely out of bed at 4am.
Seems pretty telling to me that of the people I've seen suggested as alternative candidates to Biden and Harris: * Bernie is 82 and Jewish * Hillary is 76 and already lost to Trump because a lot of people REALLY hate her * Sherrod Brown is 71 * Dean Phillips could be in front of me in line at Aldi
It isn't even that the dogs wake me up these days at 4:45am that makes me mad -- it's how fast they can get back to sleep after they've had their breakfast.
Muting "Bernie" and "Hillary" for the sake of my blood pressure.
The Supreme Court has caught Federal employees between the rock of abjuring Chevron and the hard place of the Schedule F if Trump wins. I've heard many of the best are heading for the exits this summer because they can't risk losing their pensions.
June 27, and the high temp was 60F. Rained most of the day, so it felt even colder.
Seems like Biden truly was unable to confront the uncomfortable truth that he had literally one job tonight: to reassure the American people that he is not a dotard.
Bless your heart Cory Doctorow but there is no chance that I will read a 57 part thread with each and every toot except the last (?) behind a content warning on Mastodon!
Me: Did you just fart? Hubby: Yes Me: You aren't even gonna bother to try blaming the dogs? Hubby: I wouldn't do that. Unless it was really stinky.
Le sigh. I have just spent a fucking YEAR checking the "yes I have a disability" box on every job application because I want to normalize it.
A new study from the University of Washington found that ChatGPT, Open AI’s artificial intelligence chatbot, exercises bias against those with marginalized identities when scanning resumes as part of job applications.
ChatGPT is is penalizing job candidates with AI's biases affect its ability to fairly screen resumes.
So it seems that the main type of abortion that isn't happening is the kind almost everyone agrees is OK where the baby is not going to survive despite what are often grueling efforts by the parents to get proper medical care.
“Among the causes of infant deaths, one increased the most: congenital abnormalities, which increased 22.9% in Texas in children… That trend suggests that at least in some cases, parents were forced to carry a pregnancy to term while knowing their children had little to no chance of survival”
I thought I would be dogsitting this coming weekend, but it is apparently for the whole WEEK.
I may not be the best cook or hostess when money is no object, but I think I'm pretty good when it comes to pulling stuff out of the freezer and pantry to entertain on short notice. Husband asked me if we could have 4 of his friends who are in town for Toor Camp. I had barely said yes when I
Dropped a fork covered in chipotle tomato sauce on my foot, I have a tiny four-tine scar.
Anyone who actually works with disabled people knows that there are more like me who rarely even say they have a disability than those you can say you "work for".
no i not, i am someone who uses these tools to help with disabilities and it drives me up the fucking wall when people decide they know enough about something after essentially 5 minutes and dismiss people who have studied for decades. there are academic papers on these things from the 90s!!!
I have a crow living in my driveway (for reasons I don't want to interrogate too hard, attracted to the crab pots in the bed of my husband's truck, and I want to make friends with it but now I'm worried about the ethics of feeding birds.