toilet sloth

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toilet sloth

I used to work for the internet and it broke me (moderation, trust & safety, things of that nature.). I guess we have to keep doing this until it kills us. Arizonan. Usually found where the pavement ends. He/Him/Truebe
Still tryna process the street intersection I drove past yesterday in rural Arizona where an elderly couple sat in rocking chairs staring out in a “we don’t take kindly to strangers round here” manner, and the woman was holding the biggest fucking goose in lap like one might a dog.
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I now know thee, thou clear spirit, and I now know that thy right worship is defiance.
was wondering why i had the sniffles today and it's probably because of wildfires in Utah. UTAH.
tfw you build a new city for labor for your mines and its addition to your centrally planned rail network does not increase train wait time
Oliver Platt spending a brief monologue on all the great things UChicago has done is uhhhh yeah this
idk my main takeaway from the bear this season is that you maybe have to really enjoy chicago
idk my main takeaway from the bear this season is that you maybe have to really enjoy chicago
Just saw a post that began with “tom nichols made a great point” and my eyes rolled back into my head
I wish i was a nomad
i have very mixed feelings about the pima county attorney race but Alma Hernadez, a state representative whose license plate is literally "ZIONIST" told me not to vote for Laura Conover so now I think i have to vote for her...
Even if you didn’t know anything about the Apache you’d still be like “yeah this is definitely Apache land”
Touching grass is not enough, I need to tear up some dirt and eat rocks.
fuck it, i'll be in the chiricahuas
fuck it, i'll be in the chiricahuas
Oh man I love that one NIN song, I wanna hear it on repeat over a montage of a sad guy learning how to cook fine cuisine
Imagine if you thought your online calling was to impersonate the front man for a bluegrass cover band while still being an extremely online German guy with opinions.
And by cool I mean it’s 113°F out and this is throwing massive shade
Tucson this is a cool cloud alert for the north side of town
Tucson this is a cool cloud alert for the north side of town
Technical Break because they needed to move an actual tractor into the main hall
"No emotions, and no calculators in sight"
"No emotions, and no calculators in sight"
"TRELLEBORG* TOSS FOR THE WIN" *Trelleborg is a tire company
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"TRELLEBORG* TOSS FOR THE WIN" *Trelleborg is a tire company
announcer, raised voice, german accent: "he was actually calculating something while driving" "we are now seeing calculators, on stage, at the farmcon world championships, that's the level of competition we are seeing now"
announcer, raised voice, german accent: "he was actually calculating something while driving" "we are now seeing calculators, on stage, at the farmcon world championships, that's the level of competition we are seeing now"
spreadsheet mention #5
spreadsheet mention #5
"we have five minutes of excitement ahead of us"
"we have five minutes of excitement ahead of us"
spreadsheets mentioned again
Joe Biden should steal the Declaration of Independence
spreadsheets mentioned again
spreadsheets mentioned
spreadsheets mentioned
I am watching farming simulator esports
I am watching farming simulator esports
July fifth is for laying low and drinking some water