Ray J

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Ray J


Humanist, Sceptic, Atheist, Science, QFT Cosmology, Philosophy.🎸#IFB.💙#Resist🌊#AntiGOP #FBPPR #FBPE #FBPPA #REJOIN #GTTO "Beware the irrational, however seductive. Shun the 'transcendent' and all who invite you to subordinate or annihilate yourself".
We can’t let the UN keep excluding Afghan women from crucial talks to appease the Taliban. Brave Afghan women are fighting back. Join their call to #BoycottDoha3 until they’re fully included. secure.avaaz.org/campaign/en/...
No women allowedsecure.avaaz.org People everywhere are calling on the UN to stop excluding Afghan women from crucial talks to appease the Taliban.
The water regulator, Ofwat, could soon let water companies raise our bills. Join me and help halt the price rise. Write to Ofwat’s boss now to say: No bill rises, no reward for underperformance, no lowering of fines. actionnetwork.org/letters/wate...
Water companies must payactionnetwork.org The water regulator, Ofwat, could soon let water companies raise our bills. Join me and help halt the price rise. Write to Ofwat’s boss now to say: No bill rises, no reward for underperformance, no ...
The disproportionality of this election has stretched the idea that we live in a representative democracy to breaking point. This must be the last election under First Past the Post. Take action with @CompassOffice @UnlockDemocracy and @MakeVotesMatter: actionnetwork.org/petitions/jo...
Join the demand for a democracy that really represents usactionnetwork.org A representative democracy must broadly reflect the interests and attitudes of its people. The outcome of Thursday's election has stretched the critical idea that we live in such a democracy to breaki...
The water regulation, Ofwat, could soon let water companies raise our bills. Join me and help halt the price rise. Write to Ofwat’s boss now to say: No bill rises, no reward for underperformance, no lowering of fines. actionnetwork.org/letters/wate...
Water companies must payactionnetwork.org The water regulation, Ofwat, could soon let water companies raise our bills. Join me and help halt the price rise. Write to Ofwat’s boss now to say: No bill rises, no reward for underperformance, no...
This should be the last election under First Past the Post. All voters should count equally, wherever you live and whoever you vote for.We need to @MakeVotesMatter now!If you agree, add your name too: makevotesmatter.org.uk/2024-last-el...
This should be the last election under First Past the Post!makevotesmatter.org.uk
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Keir Starmer : "First Past the Post is the right system 🤡 it has given us strong government" Sunak 5th prime minister in six years “14 years of chaos, division and disrespect”. But saying that the last 14 years were “chaos” isn't consistent also being “strong government” #MakeVotesMatter #MVM
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Reposted byAvatar Ray J
For the first time, a phenomenon astronomers have long hoped to directly image has been captured by #NASAWebb’s Near-Infrared Camera. In this stunning image of the Serpens Nebula, the discovery lies in the upper left of this image—a young, nearby star-forming region. (1/7) 🔭 🧪 🧵
Before the election was called, the UK Government pledged a massive expansion of faith school discrimination. , the ongoing consultation wasn't cancelled. Please, join us in telling @educationgovuk why this plan is a disaster. Act now! Stop a massive expansion of discrimination! From humanists.uk
Humanists UKhumanists.uk We advance free thinking and promote humanism to create a tolerant society where rational thinking and kindness prevail.
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Our NHS must remain free at the point of use now and for generations to come. And whoever forms our next government must commit to upholding this. Agree? Sign the petition now! 38d.gs/fswo
Say no to NHS privatisation!38d.gs Our NHS must remain free at the point of use now and for generations to come. And whoever forms our next government must commit to upholding this. Agree? Sign the petition now!
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Reposted byAvatar Ray J
Meanwhile on a London Red Bus. Burger King trolling politicians.