Arthur Daniels

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Arthur Daniels

MTB, Cosmos DB, and D&D. Did a lot of SQL performance tuning.
My query is slow, I sure hope the experts will tell me that my PLE is low
Love you all. Go for a walk or ride your bike, heat is temporary and winter will be here soon. Hydrate a lot.
Just sold my Ibis Exie. Lots of fun times on that bike but it was just too XC/race oriented for me.
Does anything beat weekend riding plans with friends? Just took the Ranger out for a rocky breakfast before work and I’m ready to party in Buffalo Creek tomorrow morning 😌
Folks, it’s been a shit day. I had to be a real jerk to a customer support guy for a wheel company because they ghosted me for over a week. I feel like a total asshole.
Every year I understand more why some people are snow birds and move between cities. If I was in a serious relationship, I’d definitely buy a second place in a warmer winter location.
Local bike shop in Minnesota put the wrong chain at the wrong length on my friend’s bike 😐
Vehicle fire and a traffic jam on the way to get my new bike. Not ideal. May still make it time, we’ll see
Analytical thinking is great and all, but I’d love an on/off switch. Sometimes you just gotta vibe and flow
Just saw this take: “Dating apps are the worst invention.” Respectfully, I’d say that gas pumps with video/audio ads are much worse.
There’s a certain anxiety and also thrill from answering a question on a big distribution list. You fly high or you fall far
Random Cosmos DB thoughts: working on Cosmos DB requires changing your mentality from SQL Server. Rather than “what’s wrong with the server,” you often need to ask “what setting or code is wrong on the client?”
My dad won’t get Covid boosters but he’s totally fine with ozempic and the acid reflux issues it’s giving him 🤦‍♂️
Anxiety and worry about the future of our politics….things that buying a new bike won’t fix it but it feels like it should
Kinda scared of what’s happening to the US. It’s easy to get scared reading stuff online but this time just feels different, there’s a consensus that we’re fucked in many important ways. Don’t get me wrong, not giving up hope and I’m still voting.
Today I stumbled across an issue that I brought up a year ago and it’s worse than before. I can’t do anything to fix it directly myself but I’ll be as respectfully annoying to the right people as possible.
I was in shock today when a woman yelled at me for telling her that I was coming up behind her on my bike. She said I should go bike on bike-only trails, which is weirdly supportive since we only have like 3 near Denver.
Generative AI but it just makes people reply to emails
Two friends broke their collarbones this week. One person was on a city bike and hit a sunken manhole cover and the other person crashed their mountain bike. Stay safe out there, friends.
My friend crashed on a city bike today and we had to take them to the ER, it’s looking like a broken collarbone. One stranger let us stash the city bikes in his garage and let us in to get them back later. There’s good people out there. I appreciate humanity.
Pretty impressed with this ttrl neck brace for sleeping on a plane, got about 2 hours of sleep on my flight home to Denver.
Live subtitles in a conference session are amazing.
The West Coast meme of people working on internal tools is incredibly true. People here love their internal tooling
It’s always a bad sign when you’re at a conference talk and you can smell the menthol cough drops. Hoping I stay healthy for the next week 😅
Please provide water and non alcoholic drinks at conference receptions. If it’s 3 hours long, I need some hydration please
Back on the Maxxis tires. I was trying to support this small company, Versus Tires (on the left of the photo) but they had very little traction on Colorado’s loose dry trails.
Back on the weight loss grind. Wherever you’re at, you’re not alone 🫶. Goal weight is 160, I’m hovering around 180 right now.
Pet peeve: when a recorded training class has multiple 1-4 minute videos that just introduce the current topic. Pluralsight requires this I know but other training does it too..
They’re testing the emergency sirens today and uh, the voice is completely garbled. Test ..failed?
I’m in the best cardio shape of my life. 2k-4k elevation bike rides, faster, more rides per week. It’s possible to change anything, I’ve been a weight lifting bro for years. The key was zone 2 riding, slow pace but long duration. Don’t go all out every ride or run.