
When Trump demonizes immigrants as takers and “not human beings,” he’s talking about ppl like my mom. She worked for years as a domestic worker to support our family. Classes at night for a while. She’s my hero. My mom isn’t “poisoning the blood” of America. She is the American story.
I know what I’m doing in Nov. because when I vote I’m not just voting for myself. I’m voting to protect my Dreamer friends. I’m voting to protect the farmworkers feed us. I’m voting for my mom & all the loving immigrant parents who left everything behind:
As a Gay American and Son of Immigrants so Much of Who I am Is at Stake in June is always a really special time for me. In addition to marking Pride Month, June is also Immigrant Heritage Month. Both of these celebrations represent so much of who I am and the values I choose...
I agree so much. I volunteer weekly at a food bank, almost entirely staffed by immigrant Latino/a and Asian volunteers, and we feed something like 700 families every Wednesday. Folks are contributing! (And my crappy Spanish gets more fluently useful (albeit so many grammatical errors) every week!
And I am pretty good nowadays con los nombres de las verduras y las frutas.
What classes was she taking? Sounds interesting!