
Haven’t posted this before on BlueSky, and it’s the sort of artistic greatness that deserves an audience here. Please enjoy the legendary Playboy Roller Disco and Pajama Party. And yes, this aired on network TV.
Playboy's Roller Disco and Pajama Party (Best Quality) The complete 1979 TV special
Out there enough to be ABC of the era; a ratings ploy desperate enough to be NBC of the era?
NBC was definitely desperate but not nearly hip enough to pull this off. It had to be the network of Soap and Mork and Mindy…
Holy crap I watched 30 minutes of this before being sent to bed. There was controversy on the playground the next day when one kid tried to claim there was actual nudity and others who watched it called him out.
'Proud as a Peacock' (BUT NOT THAT KIND, HUGH!)