
Remember, trumpwrold came up with this theory largely due to their own massive use of free uppers improperly dispensed by the White House pharmacy.
Those drugs that Trumpworld is insisting that Biden will take before the debate to suddenly reverse the cognitive decline they insist afflicts him? Such drugs don't exist.
Analysis | No, Biden won’t be on performance-enhancing drugs for the Experts on the subject note that there is no drug that will temporarily mask cognitive decline.
The White House has its own pharmacy—and, boy, was it shady under It wasted $750K during the Trump years and freely handed out Ambien and Provigil.
“Provigil is a drug that treats excessive tiredness and is typically used for patients with narcolepsy, sleep apnea, and other sleep disorders. Brand-name Provigil is 55 times more expensive than the generic equivalent. Between 2017-2019, the WH pharmacy spent an estimated $98,000 for Provigil.”