
So if I understand correctly, they sidestepped the safety features by essentially only indicating they’re using non-private functions and then using those to conduct sensitive/private functions like saving everything you type. Which OpenAI warns it does unless you tell it to erase after each session
Hmm. Seems odd that that's still possible after Apple made such a big deal of their new and improved privacy features.
The article says the app has to be downloaded from open AIs website because the app store won't allow apps that do this I think you have to explicitly grant permission (sure, people click through without reading, but still) If Apple blocked those opinions we'd all be upset about a walled garden
Yeah, if it’s not going through Apple’s review process, anything goes. The OS will warn you with a ‘hey, this is a sketchy internet download, you really wanna do this?’ alert, and that’s about it.
Yeah, Apple has gotten pummeled by lawsuits specifically so bad companies can compromise more of your privacy and probably defraud you. I’m no tech apologist but considering the alternative, I prefer the Apple’s garden.
Overall I think the current balance is good. There's a safe path for most people that Apple takes some responsibility for. Big warnings that you're on your own if you go off, but it's a choice, you're not blocked. And we shame companies that encourage people to take that path without understanding