
This is the unintended consequence of the intended disinformation these companies peddle. Chatbots are not search engines and are incapable of delivering reliably factual info because that isn’t their function. That’s not how they were designed. Like training a dog to howl the national anthem.
Well this is grim
Doesn’t mean that dog understands the words, only how to perform a specific and finite action on command based on training. And even then there will likely be significant variance in success.
And with a LOT more training that dog can probably get better at that task, and add more tunes to his repertoire, but inevitably that additional training and information will cause new unintended complications—like mashing together different tunes because he doesn’t know the difference.
Until eventually you’ve trained that dog on so many songs with varying difficulty and results that he just goes back to howling incoherently because you’ve filled his head with too many commands he doesn’t have the capacity to understand besides makes noise that sounds like this.
So, in conclusion, it’s incumbent upon you to educate your family and friends on the Lie of AI.