Tyler McBrien

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Tyler McBrien


Managing Editor at Lawfare @lawfare.bsky.social
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Today, the date was set for the first criminal trial of a former president—again. @tylermcbrien.bsky.social and @katherinepomps.bsky.social were there to witness Justice Merchan announce that jury selection in Trump's NY criminal trial will start on April 15. Read their dispatch:
A Trial Date Certain-ish: NY Trump Case Set to Begin April 15www.lawfaremedia.org A dispatch from the courtroom of Justice Juan Merchan, who set the date for the first criminal trial of a former president—again.
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Senator Menendez was arraigned today in federal court on yet another superseding indictment—his third arraignment in six months. @tylermcbrien.bsky.social reports from the courtroom:
“Once again, not guilty, your honor”: Menendez Supercedingly Arraigned in Federal Courtwww.lawfaremedia.org A dispatch from the courtroom of U.S. District Judge Sidney H. Stein.
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Reposted byAvatar Tyler McBrien
Reposted byAvatar Tyler McBrien
ICYMI: The date is set for the first criminal trial of a former president—March 25. Managing Editor @tylermcbrien.bsky.social was in the courtroom for the historic day. Read his dispatch from Justice Juan Merchan's courtroom: www.lawfaremedia.org/article/a-da...
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Reposted byAvatar Tyler McBrien
On Feb. 8, the White House released a National Security memorandum requiring written assurances from foreign governments before receiving arms that they will not commit human rights abuses with U.S. weapons. Read the memo, from @tylermcbrien.bsky.social.
Biden Administration Issues New Arms Transfer Memorandumwww.lawfaremedia.org The new policy requires written assurances from foreign governments before receiving arms that they will not commit human rights abuses with U.S. weapons.
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On today's Lawfare Podcast, @tylermcbrien.bsky.social talked to @marcgarlasco.bsky.social and Emily Tripp about the state of civilian harm worldwide, the Pentagon’s first-ever policy on civilian harm reduction, and recent efforts to get U.S. allies and partners to buy in.
The Lawfare Podcast: Protecting Civilians in Gaza and Beyond with Marc Garlasco and Emily Trippwww.lawfaremedia.org What is the state of civilian harm across the globe?
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"A well-crafted opinion should call attention to the civilian harm in Gaza and Israel’s international legal obligations without lowering the plausibility threshold for genocide." @keitnerlaw.bsky.social on South Africa v. Israel at the ICJ.
Understanding South Africa v. Israel at the International Court of Justicewww.lawfaremedia.org The parties’ positions, the definition of genocide, and what comes next in South Africa’s application against Israel
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On today's Lawfare Podcast, @tylermcbrien.bsky.social sat down with Jake Bittle from @gristnews.bsky.social about the Marshall Islands' revolutionary climate adaptation plan, the geopolitics of climate financing, and more.
The Lawfare Podcast: The Marshall Islands’ Sweeping Climate Adaptation Plan with Jake Bittlewww.lawfaremedia.org How is the Marshall Islands' climate plan revolutionary?
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Trump has appealed Maine Secretary of State Shenna Bellows's decision disqualifying him from the state's primary ballot under Sec 3 of the 14A. The Trump Disqualification Tracker has been updated with the new case in ME Superior Court, by @tylermcbrien.bsky.social.
Trump Disqualification Trackerwww.lawfaremedia.org
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U.S. arms transfers to Israel have come under fire since Oct. 7. But another crucial aspect of U.S. security assistance to Israel—intelligence sharing—has mostly escaped criticism, despite its significance to Israel’s ability to wage war, writes @tylermcbrien.bsky.social.
U.S. Intelligence Sharing With Israel Deserves the Same Scrutiny as Arms Transferswww.lawfaremedia.org U.S. arms transfers to Israel have come under fire since Oct. 7. But another crucial aspect of U.S. security assistance to Israel—intelligence sharing—has mostly escaped criticism, despite its sig...
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On today's Lawfare Podcast, @tylermcbrien.bsky.social talked to @bcfinucane.bsky.social and Josh Paul about U.S. weapons transfers to Israel, the domestic and international law that govern these transfers, and whether the U.S. is complicit and liable for war crimes committed with its weaponry.
The Lawfare Podcast: U.S. Arms Transfers to Israel, with Brian Finucane and Josh Paulwww.lawfaremedia.org What is the domestic and international law that governs U.S. arms transfers?
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It may be tempting to write off the Turkey probe as another eccentric chapter in the saga of Eric Adams—but the story has national security implications that extend well beyond the five boroughs, writes @tylermcbrien.bsky.social:
Eric Adams: Foreign Agent or Clumsy Diplomat?www.lawfaremedia.org The national security implications of New York City Mayor Eric Adams’s Turkey connections and the growing importance of city and state diplomacy.
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ICYMI: My podcast yesterday with Nick Turse on his new Intercept investigation into a March 2018 AFRICOM drone strike in Somalia that resulted in the death of a mother and her 4-year-old daughter www.lawfaremedia.org/article/the-...
On today's Lawfare Podcast, @tylermcbrien.bsky.social sat down with Nick Turse to discuss his piece on a 2018 drone strike in Somalia that killed a woman and her child and the context of AFRICOM's drone war across the region from the Obama admin through today. www.lawfaremedia.org/article/the-...
The Lawfare Podcast: Anatomy of a Somali Drone Strike with Nick Tursewww.lawfaremedia.org Nick Turse joins Tyler McBrien to discuss his recent article on a March 2018 airstrike and the Pentagon investigation that followed.
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ICYMI: My podcast yesterday with Nick Turse on his new Intercept investigation into a March 2018 AFRICOM drone strike in Somalia that resulted in the death of a mother and her 4-year-old daughter www.lawfaremedia.org/article/the-...
On today's Lawfare Podcast, @tylermcbrien.bsky.social sat down with Nick Turse to discuss his piece on a 2018 drone strike in Somalia that killed a woman and her child and the context of AFRICOM's drone war across the region from the Obama admin through today. www.lawfaremedia.org/article/the-...
The Lawfare Podcast: Anatomy of a Somali Drone Strike with Nick Tursewww.lawfaremedia.org Nick Turse joins Tyler McBrien to discuss his recent article on a March 2018 airstrike and the Pentagon investigation that followed.
Huge thanks to @akbarshahidahmed.bsky.social and Robbie Gramer for joining me on the Lawfare Podcast to talk about the US diplomatic response to Israel-Hamas war so far, the bubbling dissent at State Dept, and vacant ambassadorships: www.lawfaremedia.org/article/the-...
On today's Lawfare Podcast, @tylermcbrien.bsky.social talked to @akbarshahidahmed.bsky.social and Robbie Gramer about the U.S. diplomatic response to the Israel-Gaza war so far, the fallout from a high-level resignation, and the potential “mutiny brewing” inside the State Dept.
The Lawfare Podcast: The U.S. Diplomatic Response in Gaza with Akbar Shahid Ahmed and Robbie Gramerwww.lawfaremedia.org What has been the U.S. diplomatic response to the Israel-Gaza conflict so far? 
The Lawfare Podcast: The U.S. Diplomatic Response in Gaza with Akbar Shahid Ahmed and Robbie Gramerwww.lawfaremedia.org What has been the U.S. diplomatic response to the Israel-Gaza conflict so far? 
The final homesteader got his land in 1988! Alaska-born Palin sounds midwestern thanks to FDR! The American Gothic models got their outfits from a Sears catalogue! Daniel Immerwahr's New Yorker latest broke my brain in only three paragraphs www.newyorker.com/magazine/202...
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How did the CIA and NSA come to host some of the most important surveillance and intelligence docs on a platform better known for cat gifs, LGBTQ+ discourse, and indie sleaze? For Slate's Future Tense, I wrote about why the U.S. govt is still in its Tumblr era: slate.com/technology/2...
The U.S. Government Is Still in Its Tumblr Eraslate.com The “IC on the Record” Tumblr was created after the biggest leak in intelligence history.
How did the CIA and NSA come to host some of the most important surveillance and intelligence docs on a platform better known for cat gifs, LGBTQ+ discourse, and indie sleaze? For Slate's Future Tense, I wrote about why the U.S. govt is still in its Tumblr era: slate.com/technology/2...
The U.S. Government Is Still in Its Tumblr Eraslate.com The “IC on the Record” Tumblr was created after the biggest leak in intelligence history.
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On today's Lawfare Podcast, @tylermcbrien.bsky.social sat down with Stuart Reid to discuss his new book on Patrice Lumumba, the CIA’s complicity in Lumumba’s assassination, what lessons “The Lumumba Plot” has for policymakers today, and more.
The Lawfare Podcast: ‘The Lumumba Plot’ with Stuart Reidwww.lawfaremedia.org Stuart Reid discusses his book on Patrice Lumumba, the first prime minister of the Democratic Republic of Congo. 
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Reposted byAvatar Tyler McBrien
The International Criminal Court opened an ongoing investigation into the situation in Palestine in 2021. Lawfare Managing Editor @tylermcbrien.bsky.social explores how the current conflict might affect the investigation, and vice versa:
Where Does the ICC Palestine Investigation Stand?www.lawfaremedia.org The ICC opened an ongoing investigation into the situation in Palestine in 2021. How might the current conflict affect the investigation, and vice versa?
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On today's Lawfare Podcast, @tylermcbrien.bsky.social sat down with @sranderson.bsky.social to discuss the various pieces of legislation, legal opinions, and communiques that have defined the U.S. position towards Taiwan over the years.
The Lawfare Podcast: Taiwan, War Powers, and Constitutional Crisis with Scott R. Andersonwww.lawfaremedia.org What is the United States' attitude toward China and Taiwan?
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An entire police dept raided the offices of a small, family-owned newspaper in Marion, Kansas. On today's Lawfare Podcast, @tylermcbrien.bsky.social sat down with Caitlin Vogus to talk about what motivated the raid and the chilling effect it can have on the press.
The Lawfare Podcast: A Chilling Violation of Press Freedoms in Marion, Kansaswww.lawfaremedia.org Why was a small, family-owned newspaper raided by an entire police department?
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The Jan. 6 grand jury handed up an indictment of former President Donald Trump earlier today.  Here’s the story of Trump and his co-conspirators’ efforts to overturn the election, as told by the special counsel. https://www.lawfaremedia.org/article/trump-jan.-6-indictment-the-facts