it’s adrian.

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it’s adrian.

adrian mica dubast/a.m.d. 24, black, trans (tme). ace(flux) +aro/alterous. an artist suffering the plantation. they/he/she/diva (interchangeable, yes diva is a real neo-pnoun lol). schizoid + d.i.d. + long covid. mspec-friendly/anti-exorsexism. no minors.
they have a cardiologist appointment tomorrow and need help covering the bill and rent!! pls keep boosting & send $$$ if you can—thank you <3
boost! 💕💸 cash app: $KiiMo3 paypal: @KiiM0 #HelpSky #MutualAid
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Hi dear friends I hope all doing well We are very close to 6k almost there nothing left So please let's finish this step so we can get another by your kind help and your generous Thank you all 🙏
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Message from my family in Gaza to our followers and donaers Thank you alot everyone
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uhhhh yeah it’s too fucking hot for me to be outside but if it doesn’t rain & anyone decides to go, i hope you have fun :) /gen
atlanta!!! mask4mask distro & picnic next week :):) @ freedom park — i hope to see your eyeballs <3
$85/$256, thank you so much!! can 9 ppl send $20 to get this met?
hi, also my friend aima in nigeria needs fubds to make rent by july 12th—it’d be about $256, can anyone help her out pls? if you can, pls put “for aima” in the memo & i will transfer funds to her. thank u! #MutualAid #HelpSky (
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💸💕[flying money + pink double hearts] #MutualAid #HelpSky
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boosting for a dear mutual, please please help them stay housed!!! she doesn’t want to lose her child as well as her home <3 ven: @ liz-garrett-7 kash app: $lizlaverne ppal: @ elizabethgarrett359 #MutualAid #HelpSky
still at $45 on this, can 11 ppl send $20 to clear this?
hi, also my friend aima in nigeria needs fubds to make rent by july 12th—it’d be about $256, can anyone help her out pls? if you can, pls put “for aima” in the memo & i will transfer funds to her. thank u! #MutualAid #HelpSky (
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Reposted byAvatar it’s adrian.
Aima needs support rn! 💸💕
hi, also my friend aima in nigeria needs fubds to make rent by july 12th—it’d be about $256, can anyone help her out pls? if you can, pls put “for aima” in the memo & i will transfer funds to her. thank u! #MutualAid #HelpSky (
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i know mutual aid sucks right now but can we please help Black people
hi, also my friend aima in nigeria needs fubds to make rent by july 12th—it’d be about $256, can anyone help her out pls? if you can, pls put “for aima” in the memo & i will transfer funds to her. thank u! #MutualAid #HelpSky (
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aima boost 💸💕
hi, also my friend aima in nigeria needs fubds to make rent by july 12th—it’d be about $256, can anyone help her out pls? if you can, pls put “for aima” in the memo & i will transfer funds to her. thank u! #MutualAid #HelpSky (
Reposted byAvatar it’s adrian.
Reposted byAvatar it’s adrian.
Reposted byAvatar it’s adrian.
Boosting 💸💸
hi, also my friend aima in nigeria needs fubds to make rent by july 12th—it’d be about $256, can anyone help her out pls? if you can, pls put “for aima” in the memo & i will transfer funds to her. thank u! #MutualAid #HelpSky (
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birth control met, thank y’all so much!!
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boosting 💸💕
hi, also my friend aima in nigeria needs fubds to make rent by july 12th—it’d be about $256, can anyone help her out pls? if you can, pls put “for aima” in the memo & i will transfer funds to her. thank u! #MutualAid #HelpSky (
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This is absolutely disgusting 🤢 I really hate yall sometimes. This should never be the case
i’ve seen at least 3 black queer and trans ppl with long covid DIE before their goals get met. and then still not get funds for funeral met either. that’s not okay.
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it’s so amazing that what it takes a yt person a week to raise take me a month, and i don’t even get to use the money for what i need (fucking MOVING) because i don’t have a job and it takes so long to reach these goals. (if ever). this is the norm tho so 🤷🏽[shrug]
Reposted byAvatar it’s adrian.
i’ve seen at least 3 black queer and trans ppl with long covid DIE before their goals get met. and then still not get funds for funeral met either. that’s not okay.
it’s so amazing that what it takes a yt person a week to raise take me a month, and i don’t even get to use the money for what i need (fucking MOVING) because i don’t have a job and it takes so long to reach these goals. (if ever). this is the norm tho so 🤷🏽[shrug]
Reposted byAvatar it’s adrian.
Reposted byAvatar it’s adrian.
hi, also my friend aima in nigeria needs fubds to make rent by july 12th—it’d be about $256, can anyone help her out pls? if you can, pls put “for aima” in the memo & i will transfer funds to her. thank u! #MutualAid #HelpSky (
hi, also my friend aima in nigeria needs fubds to make rent by july 12th—it’d be about $256, can anyone help her out pls? if you can, pls put “for aima” in the memo & i will transfer funds to her. thank u! #MutualAid #HelpSky (
i’ve seen at least 3 black queer and trans ppl with long covid DIE before their goals get met. and then still not get funds for funeral met either. that’s not okay.
it’s so amazing that what it takes a yt person a week to raise take me a month, and i don’t even get to use the money for what i need (fucking MOVING) because i don’t have a job and it takes so long to reach these goals. (if ever). this is the norm tho so 🤷🏽[shrug]
it’s so amazing that what it takes a yt person a week to raise take me a month, and i don’t even get to use the money for what i need (fucking MOVING) because i don’t have a job and it takes so long to reach these goals. (if ever). this is the norm tho so 🤷🏽[shrug]
1 week of groceries is $70 and like…idk maybe life is not worth it lmao i can’t afford to eat and can’t afford to die either :/