
Hello and welcome to the LAUNCH of #UncoolTwo50 A music challenge running from 1 October this year, in which you select your TOP 50 SINGLES OF 1977 - 1999.
#UncoolTwo50 Why is it being launched now, three months before the start, you may ask? Well, because you need prep time and because it's part of a larger music challenge project. Everything you need to know is contained in two documents I'm going to publish here shortly.
#UncoolTwo50 These two documents are each two pages long. This time last year, the 2000 - 2023 challenge (#FearofMu21C) was launched with eight documents, most of which were much longer! So, it's quite an achievement to condense the info :) I am here for questions if you still have them though.
#UncoolTwo50 The documents are: - RULES AND GUIDELINES which explains how to join and play this challenge. and the - UNCOOL GLOSSARY which expands on the background and terminology used. PLEASE READ BOTH before asking any further questions. Thank you.
I have only two questions, with apologies 1. Songs released for the first time *as* singles in the 77-99 frame, during which an artist is still active, but had been released in other forms during the 54-76 frame (ex: "Fly Me to the Moon" by Sinatra, in 1990): do they count
2. Indulgent request: Might American/UK metal bands be freed from the US/UK release restrictions, as many do not bother to release singles in the anglosphere and are functionally international outfits (ex: Manowar), and the genre is already disadvantaged-to-near-irrelevance in this contest.
No, sorry. If I start making exceptions, others will inevitably be requested. I'm just not going there.
No they don't, soirry. This is the kind of loophole I refer to in the rules/guidelines and completely contrary to the spirit and aim of the challenge.
The rules are good and clear overall, but can you clarify what a hobbyhorse means in this context(Guidelines for all #1)? In my understanding, it means something obscure of personal interest, so in this case a no-chance singleton. Should we try to avoid picks like that? Thanks!
No, it just means people choosing to use this challenge *not* to pick their favourite singles of 77-99 but to do something else off the back of it. Something which is either adequately covered by other challenges or which they could set up themselves if that's what they really want to do.
(I don't care about no-chance singletons if they're your genuine favourites - go ahead!)