Malevolent undersea entity

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Malevolent undersea entity

There are too many cartoonists that solely draw sexualised animal people in an anime style. It takes too long to block them all.
Letting your posts wash over my brain like a river flowing over a stone. Burnishing it smooth. Unblemished. Clean. One day my wife’s boyfriend will leave the front gate open and I’ll escape the yard and if I make it over the road without getting hit by a car I’ll be free.
Going to buy and drink a full strength original recipe Pepsi
Children under five don't appreciate food and should only be fed a thin gruel of oats
Nobody's ever going to "live on the moon". This is just floating a fake future for people to wow about while the actual world burns.
NASA is now plotting a return to the moon. This time, the stay will be long-term. To make it happen, NASA is going to build houses on the moon that can be used not just by astronauts, but by ordinary civilians as well. Here’s how they plan to do it.
End of feed.