
The sad thing is the wheels of justice turn slowly and this emergency order expires in Sept so likely it won’t make an impact. We do need to expose the truth of who in the NHS is pushing this anti trans agenda, not just faceless “specialist clinical commissioning groups”
Agree. Someone longstanding and senior it seems. Though there are always ways around bans. Isn't the private ban just the UK and EU?
Yes, so there was only 1 GIC for under 18’s and it effectively stopped treating trans kids 3 years ago (this was their intention) the replacements aren’t ready and even if they were the service spec will be based on Cass report so little more than conversion therapy. So people turned to private
Providers. The longstanding anti trans interests in the NHS made any private providers life hell by dragging them to the GMC etc and filing random complaints to maintain the stranglehold via Tavistock. So some private providers operate out of Europe where we have an agreement to honour
Prescriptions from other EU countries, the is meant they escaped the harassment from the NHS and could prescribe. So not they’ve singled out JUST this care to ban from private overseas providers to shut down the only path. Anyone with a private EU prescription can get it filled say in Ireland.
But it’s clear the NHS is determined that no trans kids EVER get anything other than talking therapy, they have banned trans healthcare in the UK for under 18’s and I’d put money on severe restrictions on adults when they review that service too.
Surely this counts as Government persecution of trans people? Or does nobody care since brexit?
And so they banned private. Just banned. A total injustice and all affected deserve compensation.
Not just compensation but Justice, there are so many families now with a loved one missing as the suicide rate has rocketed, if you take away their future of course this would cause severe distress but to then that’s a better outcome than another trans person,
I know that sounds harsh but it’s true. Actions speak louder than words and their actions are sending this clear signal.