Holly P

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Holly P


person (she/her)
Wait, THAT’S why everybody is talking about JD Vance today???
Where are the pear/apple shape girlies getting summer shorts that have at least a 5 inch inseam? I have such a hard time finding anything in between “too much contact between thigh and chair” inseam and matronly capri length
Was no one going to tell me studio MAPPA is doing a new Rose of Versailles movie next year? I had to learn about it from a random instagram reel of a man talking over weirdly cropped trailer footage?
Neighbor got an inflatable pool, which I cannot see, but I can tell it’s there because I can see glimpses of a large blue object through the slats of their privacy fence and also there are sounds of children screaming outside roughly 6-9 hours of the day
I got a postcard addressed specifically to me telling me how a US Steel & Nippon Steel partnership is gonna be real good for the American steel industry but I am not now nor have I ever been affiliated with the steel industry in any form so I do not know why they are telling me about this
I finally cleaned the tub today and now there is a wet lump of lint or something in the tub and I am INDIGNANT. I *just* cleaned that!!!
It is taking me all day to mow the lawn bc I also had to rake pine cones and branches and such that fell from last week’s storm but at least it’s nice out. I will be glad I took care of it today later in the week when it’s like 80 out.
There’s some kind of Fandom Drama in the Genshin content creator space and while I am vaguely aware of some names of the people involved I don’t really know what’s up, and all my efforts to understand make it kinda seem like the main problem is these people are too young & have too big an audience
I like watching game announcement events and trailers and such but this time for some reason it awakened some guilty feelings in me that I am probably not going to play hardly any of these, I’m just going to keep playing mostly Genshin and Star Rail until their main stories are over
Couldn’t even pretend I needed to hurry up and buy stuff on sale huh? Couldn’t schedule the sale extension mail to come in like ten minutes later, even?
Reposted byAvatar Holly P
I was going to sort out my winter clothes and put them away this weekend but since I don’t take my adhd meds on the weekend I forgot all about that plan until right now. And I don’t want to do that right now.
I put oats in the rice cooker and set the timer before going to bed, as I always do. Forgot to put the water in also. I made dry warm oats for breakfast. 🙃
Putting this here where no one sees it because I don’t want to pick fights with argumentative strangers but also I need to purge this thought: saw someone get mad at someone else for using the idiom “doesn’t know what it’s talking about” re: LLMs, claiming such phrasing is “dangerously misleading”
Have now watched 3 episodes of the 3 Body Problem and am sad that I already have to retire my favorite bit, which is asking “is that the 3 body problem” any time 3 things that could be considered bodies appear on screen
I got a good grade in having blood (annual checkup lab results)
Tis the season for unhinged yard farmer fits
It’s important to save often in Nier Automata in case you accidentally explode a friendly NPC when you put down the controller
I DONT KNOW WHO NEEDS TO HEAR THIS, BUT: Garlic Chives are NOT annuals. They are perennials. Think very carefully about how many you could actually need and where you want to have them for years before sowing
Apparently sometime last gardening season I bought a garden fork and then completely forgot I did that. I was even just days ago thinking I should finally buy one. Then I go in the garage to get something else and there’s. Just. One already there?????
As much as it feels like Concerta is helping me do more tasks without hating every moment of it (such as cleaning the shower) I wish it did more to quell the “too many tabs open in my brain” feeling.
Literally every time I feel like maybe my mental health would benefit from a short stream break Genshin is like “ok but here’s a bunch of new stuff you’re excited about, you don’t want to put off enjoying that do you????”
Me on a Sunday where I do nothing but video game and watch YouTube, at 3pm: this is relaxing and enjoyable. Me on that same Sunday doing the same things but now it’s 8pm: I have wasted my day and possibly my life
Reposted byAvatar Holly P
My backyard is full of garlic mustard which is relatively easy to pull but I can’t reach all of it without risking a tree branch poking an eye out
I have never been so tempted by a gas station shelf of plushies before
I can tell no one sees my posts most of the time because who could possibly disagree with this gem of truth
mcdonalds breakfast
Ok that was neat. I kinda didn’t think it was *actually* going to get that dark. Still couldn’t get a decent picture of how it actually looked. I can see how ancient people not knowing it was going to come back might freak out about that.