Unsuck DC Agencies

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Unsuck DC Agencies


The District of Columbia is a beautiful and dynamic place.
But its executive agencies are terribly run.
The District deserves better.

DC has a strong mayor system: the mayor is responsible for DC agencies.
Crime in DC is up. We should pay attention to DC agencies here. The social service agency, the housing agency, and the police are all poorly managed. The DC mayor controls all of these agencies.
Part of the key point in that fairly well done Politico piece is that the crime in DC has influence in political media narrative coverage of crime - but crime nationally is down, while crime in DC is up.
Mayor Bowser controls all the agencies that create and maintain bike infrastructure in DC. #UnsuckDCAgencies
Bike infrastructure in DC feels like the person in charge of it once read about bike lanes in a magazine and thought it was a good idea. But he actually never rode a bike himself.
Mayor Bowser Presents: A kids playground right next to a school in DC, covered in trash. This is either a DPR or DPW responsibility to keep this play area clean. Where is the mayor, why aren't her appointees making these agencies work? #UnsuckDCAgencies #MayorBowserPresents
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