
today I not only touched grass, I also sat in it and watched two fox kits playing shockingly I am still disabled
I even left my phone behind, Not for any particular hatred of screen time and yearning for the boredom of my childhood But because I didn't want to fuss with trying to carry both my phone and my cane
I'm never sure if it's a blessing in disguise, but the "phone" slot on my wheelchair cupholder is too small to fit my phone in its case. And there is no way I'm going outside without my water bottle! 😅 i have to decide if I'm willing to risk my phone falling off my lap or not.
anyway, I'm envious of your fox kits! that must have been so cute!
They're adorable! They live in the neighborhood and sometimes they yell real loud at night. There's three of them and ever since they hit adolescence they've been running around in a little pack Early in the year when they were young we'd just see exhausted fox parents out hunting for food
Are you sure it wasn’t just dirt or something? I mean, this cannot be right because grass touching is magic./S
Maybe it was the wrong species of grass 🤔
(Also, I immediately screencapped this small conversation to share with two other disabled friends and let me tell you, all three of us FEEL IT.)
Correction: three other disabled friends. Universally appreciated!
Perhaps it was a species of grass you are allergic to?
Oh no see, you have to be eating kale while in down dog touching grass. That worked for my cousin's stepdaughter's hairdresser's poodle groomer son. Somehow I'm still disabled too though...