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When you go far to the left, EVERYTHING else is right
When the nazi bombed Warsaw they decimated the city with 500lbs bombs In 2024 the Biden administration supplies Israel with 2000lbs bombs to kill Palestinians
Baby raping anti-semite.
If you are on my page reading this, I would absolutely beat you in a fight.
Civil War is coming. Both sides are closed-minded.
The left has deemed political violence acceptable. Let the games begin!!
Political violence works.
The radical left is infinitely more dangerous terrorist group than Maga. Maga is just dumb 50 year Olds. The radical left are the angsty 20 somethings with no property.
Luke warm take: virtually every elected conservative deserves only a slow and painful death!
The left: "Trump is a fascist and will destroy democracy" Also the left:
You don't deserve to live.
Reinstalled this to see what the libs are saying about the assassination attempt. I wish I was wrong. Those cheering right now are gutless worms. You hate MAGA but you are of the same coin, just the other side.
I use a trump pfp because it helps me sort rational people from the cultists
I come here to see the counteparty, no one talks about this place on the other site fyi
Left wing conspiracy is when you say terrorist attacks on civilians in Russia is ordered by putin
Absolutely zero discourse on this site about the terrorist attack in Moscow. Real innocent people are dead but because it's the country your party is fighting against, it's silence. Disgusting
Wow it happened again lmao
When the ruling goes you way: YAAAAAYYYYY When the ruling does not go your way: BOOOOO
People here are just as nuts as magats, you're just the other side of the same coin
It's a different type of insane on this site, but insane nonetheless
Modern Shonen would not be what it is now without Akira Toriyama. RIP and God bless to a legend. This one hurts so bad
Based off sentiment on this site you would think the United States ended today. It's disgusting how much contempt people have on here for conservatives.
"BUT THE CONSTITUTION SAYS-" what about the right to bare arms "No that one doesn't count..." What about the right to free speech "No that's one's is up to interpretation" Yall really cherry pick whatever you want from the constitution
When the ruling goes you way: YAAAAAYYYYY When the ruling does not go your way: BOOOOO
"Former president vows to end the poisoning of future american generations, deemed fascist enemy of democracy by leftist think tanks"
Neither the Times nor the Post reported today on Trump's plan to use federal power to end school vaccine requirements.
Im just a simple country farmer who wants the country to spend our tax dollars on the United states and its people, and a president who puts the unites states before a foreign country.
im just a simple country farmer who wants to be able to get an abortion if i need one and a president who didn’t try to overthrow the government
tfw people think you are a paid troll but you're just posting in your free time
Liberals don't know anything about democracy
A vote for Joe Biden is a vote for endless war
The only sane political ideology is centrism, in this time. Each side is so insane. Endless war in eastern Europe and the Middle East, an endless deficit, no spending on American citizens, while helping illegal aliens All so orange man doesn't have a platform You people are mentally ill
Trump remains on the ballet and bitcoin is 5% off from its ATH It's so beautiful I love democracy
How do I turn the cock posts off but keep the boob posts on
I should be able to take testosterone to achieve an Arnold physique in order to feel like my truest self
This is quite literally the gayest website I have ever used, and I group up around the time of meatspin
Why is there a post of a huge black cock under world news
"Fuck capitalism" My brother in christ, that's the only system you have a chance to go from poor to not poor