
🚨New working paper with Sam Perry! Do religious beliefs affect beliefs about climate change? If so, which beliefs, and why? We argue & find evidence that belief in divine (vs. human) control over Earth's fate lowers concern about climate change. Preprint here: polisky
One of the many things that annoys me about pretend religious people is that god very clearly promised to Noah that it would not destroy the world with a flood. God never said that humans wouldn't or that god would stop humans from destroying the world in other ways.
It literally says that God gives humans the control in the very first book of the Bible: "The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it." These people can't even read their own book.
Religion is one of the worst things humans ever created.
No, just clueless religion. There are healthy examples, albeit all too rare.
I am reminded by this of a similar theological study finding similar effects on theology upon the felt responsibility for ecological justice. (A fellow named White. Will find and reply here with link)