V. A. Argueta

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V. A. Argueta


Creative with a short attention span.
Eric Satie stan.
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With climate change posing a threat for island nations & their cultural heritage, preservation efforts are now more crucial than ever. Learn how our partnership with Aruba’s national library & archives is helping in this PBS NewsHour story: www.youtube.com/watch?v=3cSL...
As climate change threatens island nations, some turn to digitizing their historywww.youtube.com As hurricanes grow stronger and more common due to climate change, they raise new threats for island nations — not just to infrastructure, but also to artifa...
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I went out to see Kinds Of Kindness at @musicboxtheatre.bsky.social. I enjoyed it, as much as such a movie can be enjoyed. Would recommend if you liked Dogtooth, or at the very least found it interesting enough to stomach.
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DHS’ new “AI Corps” reflects "federal law enforcement's insistence on spending money on the newest shiniest toy regardless of whether or not it has compelling use cases, proves ineffective, or threatens civil liberties," EFF’s @mguariglia.bsky.social told @reason.com.
Be wary of the Department of Homeland Security’s AI ambitionsreason.com Americans shouldn’t count on DHS to use artificial intelligence technology responsibly or in a limited way.
Got a new office at work. I am so ready to decorate with some of my William Morris prints and old Soviet electronic schematics.
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Poster for the 50th anniversary release of THE WICKER MAN (1973)
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Hello, today is my Birthday! ✨And the best gift for an artist is a retweet of his artworks 🌱🍃
I watched Dr. Caligari (1989) and I don't know how I feel about the movie. I'm not surprised by the lack of literature on it, but I am a little disappointed. I feel there is a lot to parse by someone more qualified than I.
I'm in the process of moving from Instagram to Cara. I was hoping to get my account up and running soon, but the new Adobe TOS is delaying that. Now I have to set up a new photo-processing workflow.
I finally got an external disc drive to play The Thing PC game. I was a little worried by the tutorial levels, but I am enjoying it now. I'd love a immersive sim version of this game.
For my final C++ project, I've built a TUI library from scratch. I intended to build a game with it but I've changed my mind twice about it, and now I have less than a week before submission. Time to enter game-jam mode I guess.
My family likes to tease me about being a book hoarder. Joke's on them, I already had the textbook for my upcoming computer systems class.
I can't wait for this, but at the same time I appreciate the time to catch up with the series.
The cover for Absolution, out October 22, is amazing! Art by Pablo Delcan. Preorder now: us.macmillan.com/books/978037...
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abladeforthehandabladefortheface. graphite
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My venus fly traps are blooming
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I finished reading "Lesser Known Monsters of the 21st Century." It is interesting how some of the stories can feel voyeuristic. Still others feel like childhood memories. I would attribute that to the mundanity of many of the details and framing devices.
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Time to post one of my favorite old illustrations. :) I created it for a group show resolving around botanical visuals. During this time I read a lot about the ISS and how they grew plants in there to test botanical behavior, which also sparked dreams about deep space travels.
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One growing threat to LGBTQ+ people is data surveillance. This year across the U.S., a growing number of states prohibited transgender youths from obtaining gender-affirming health care, and some restricted access for transgender adults.
Digital Rights for LGBTQ+ People: 2023 Year in Reviewwww.eff.org An increase in anti-LGBTQ+ intolerance is impacting individuals and communities both online and offline across the globe. Throughout 2023, several countries sought to pass explicitly anti-LGBTQ+
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"An Interlude" 12x16" ink on claybord for my upcoming show opening this Saturday at Gallery Nucleus L.A.
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What's Certbot? It's EFF's free, open source tool for automatically using Let’s Encrypt certificates on millions of domains across the web. It's also part of a growing number of EFF technology projects designed to protect your freedom online. Help support this work today!
Defend Privacy and Free Speecheff.org We're building a better web together. Donate to help out Certbot and all of the Electronic Frontier Foundation's public interest software development, activism, and legal work. Your support...
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When the clock strikes midnight on January 1, works of art & culture from 1928 will enter the public domain in the US, meaning they can be remixed & reused in new creative works. And 1928 was a big year, thanks to a famous mouse... Join our celebrations: blog.archive.org/2023/12/05/w...
In another life, I would have loved to run an independent video rental store.
Family Video Oquawka, IL
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Many of the internet’s ills are based on widespread corporate surveillance online. This pervasive system, ran by corporations and governments, stifles our speech and erodes our privacy. But together, we can dismantle it.
To Address Online Harms, We Must Consider Privacy Firstwww.eff.org In this report, we outline how many of the internet's ills have one thing in common: they're based on the business model of widespread corporate surveillance online. Dismantling this system would not
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