
I don't think anyone is sadder about the election results than Laura K. She cannot hide her contempt. Needs to be fired
I'd forgotten she existed til this election. I don't really watch TV though, especially BBC news output
I just keep seeing TikToks kf her looking miserable. Said to Ed Davey "Congratulations, I suppose" which you know, I understand but fucking hell, can't even be bothered to hide it anymore
Every time I saw her interview Boris Johnson I was like "are they having an affair?" and I'm not the only one. I'm not saying they were, but she is very fond of the conservative party. She may be upset because she very firmly hitched herself to the Tory wagon and that seems a bad move now.
Yeah, not even Johnson's kids would ever look at him like this, you know, if they ever saw him
Remember when he gave that young woman with no qualifications who looked exactly like him that senior job? That was fun.
The one who he then gave a peerage to?
I can't shake from my mind when she appeared on BBC News 24 the day after Ed Miliband won the Labour leadership election, and it's the only time I recall seeing her visibly dishevelled and harassed looking