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🇭🇷, but I live in London now.

Love to bake, love a good videogame. Formerly obsessed with Fallout (my Vault Boy tattoos are an indelible proof of that) and I also take photos on 35mm film. Love me some horror films. He/him #believeinfilm
Reposted byAvatar Ante
Well. Time to get some rest I think.
Obviously not 'the scariest film of the decade' (is there even such a thing?), but I found it tense throughout and quite disturbing in places. Could have done without the big-ass exposition dump towards the end, but can't have it all I guess. Also, how the hell was this rated only '15'?
I am just so EXHAUSTED after working non-stop and also translating on the side for a month. But at the same time it feels nice to finally hit that "submit" button and just log off. Time to finally play some video games, haven't played any since MARCH. Can you imagine.
Me: 'It's been a week of excess, perhaps we should eat more healthily' Also me:
Meanwhile this is what happens when you order a half pint without the staff discount 😂
Went for a few drinks with a pal yesterday. He got staff discount so each round was £8. £8 for two pints! It felt like the 90s!
Still thinking about Lily Collins' 'Yorkshire' accent which was a blend of (mostly) RP, Irish, Lancashire and something that was just vaguely Northern I guess. Her dad will be turning in his grave because of it ngl
Give me more sequels pls. At this point I don't care, send Maxine to space or whatever; she can play it, I will watch it. M o T h E R
Made these for the election party the other day and everyone enjoyed them a lot. I forgot to take pics of everything else, but maybe it's for the better - it was nice to be just in the moment (with lovely people!)
Breskvice (peach-shaped biscuits). I know these aren't everyone's faves, but I wanted to give them a go today. My only addition was dark rum, but next time I'd also add melted chocolate to the filling.
Give me more sequels pls. At this point I don't care, send Maxine to space or whatever; she can play it, I will watch it. M o T h E R
Pride month ended with the only nearby LGBT+ venue closing down. Can't say I'm gutted about this one. Checked Street View and turns out this place is now back to its old name (The Hideaway- it traded under the same name for well over a decade) so I guess it must have had the same owner for a while.
So, erm... The film adaptation did not polish a thing 😑😑😑 there was no tension whatsoever. What a waste.
Some of these similes 😭 good god. Finished the book and I get why it was optioned by the Shyalamans because the main plot beats are compelling enough, but I hope the film polishes some of the dialogue a bit lol
Liked Furiosa a lot, but (re)watching Fury Road right after and... Whew looord. Not that the former is a bad film - it's really good and I'm glad George Miller got to make it, but FR is so great it's almost ridiculous. Possibly personal top 5 all-time action film?
Many hipsters in London wear white socks with shoes now and every time I see someone it just reminds me of all the 90s jokes about Herzegovina and its people (white socks with shoes. I used to be the brunt of those jokes back in primary school lol) 😂 I guess this makes Paul Mescal an honorary 🇧🇦
This shit (no, seriously, it's all sugar and alcohol) is a very definition of a guilty pleasure. But, it's been A Week so I think I'm allowed a bit of a respite.
Breskvice (peach-shaped biscuits). I know these aren't everyone's faves, but I wanted to give them a go today. My only addition was dark rum, but next time I'd also add melted chocolate to the filling.
Day 7, another batch of pics. I'll stop now 😅
Day 7/last day
It only took [checks watch] a bit less than 24 hours to get into an argument with one of my siblings. Setting new records 🫠
Day 2
Back home for another week. Seems it's going to take me that long to acclimatise to this heat 😭 Seems to be doing wonders for the garden, though
Back home for another week. Seems it's going to take me that long to acclimatise to this heat 😭 Seems to be doing wonders for the garden, though
So 'Sting'... Hm... I've seen comparisons with 'Alien', and sure, there's an obvious nod in the final act, but this film shares way more with another recent Australian production - Evil Dead Rise. Quite a few plot similarities, gotta say! Just replace a demon with a big-ass spider and that's it.
Mighty Hoopla 2024 (June 1, 2024) 📸 Canon Sure Shot Zoom XL x Kodak UltraMax 400 35mm #believeinfilm
What a lovely weekend, really. Feeling tipsy and I'm sure tomorrow's going to be ROUGH, but that's ok.
Today's pudding: 'potato slice'. Taste Atlas claims this originates from Virovitica, Croatia, but I'll take it with a pinch of salt unless there's a credible source. As simple as it gets, this is just two layers of tender pie crust (with mashed potato as one of the ingredients!) sandwiched with jam.
Laura Dern's recent rant on nepotism doesn't diminish her immense talents (she is remarkable indeed), but it's a teeny bit disappointing to see her dismiss the discourse by focusing on the "beautiful" aspects of it all, like being inspired by your parents, and skipping the more important bits.