
This kind of thing was endemic in those old days. That's why they did all that drm stuff. My family's c64 was ONLY bootlegs. Except Carmen Sandiego
Kinda surprised there wasn't bootlegs for that too, I would kinda check out "Where on Earth is Michelle Losangeles"
Hahaha oh not in that way, though I am fond of the Great Giana Sisters as a concept. They were hand labeled floppy discs that had several games on each of them. I only realized when I was older that they were all real games we did NOT pay for. Artillery Duel and Space Taxi were favorites.
I imagine the lack of bootlegs for Carmen Sandiego has more to do with ppl not wanting to have to know all that stuff about geography and history
But imagine the incorrect geography facts that people could learn from Michelle Losangeles! Russia is the biggest city in Europe! The great pyramids of New York! Nowadays kids have to learn that by trying to get AI chatbots to do their homework for them.
The more things change, the more they stay the same....
Obvious ripoff of another game aside (because come on, it was the '80s and dozens of devs/pubs were doing it), why is this software company named after a silent movie cowboy actor who had been dead for 40+ years?
I love the quotation mark around "pitfalls". Surprised they didn't just put " wink-wink, nudge-nudge" in there, too.
$100 in today's dollars. Good heavens.