
Yes, a barrier to Biden stepping down is that as soon as he steps down, you will pivot to “oh, so you admit to lying when you said he shouldn’t step down” And maybe you’d even be right to ask it, but these are the incentives you have set up
Yep. It's lose-lose, and for at least some of these people that''s what was intended.
In Harris's case (should it come to that) at least she can readily say something like "oh gee sorry I didn't come out and publicly shiv my beloved boss to advance my career and gain enormous power. My bad."
I would hope a lot of Americans will realize they may have "engaged in a coverup" at times for their loved ones, elderly and otherwise, and see this for the bad-faith bullshit it is. I hope we don't have to find out.
I'm not terribly worried about this. Harris can reply that Biden's condition considerably worsened over a couple of months while leaving the implication that it's not uncommon at that age.