
This is indeed illegal, but at some point we have to come up with a plausible way for delivery vehicles to safely and legally operate in cities. Is the driver here supposed to go find a parking lot somewhere? For every stop?
"bike lanes as painted shoulders of roads" is not a sustainable model of bike lanes
They do this in NYC, but in NYC the delivery crews (independent contractors) rent huge Mack trucks, and double park them for HOURS, setting out pylons around the back tail-lift, using the truck as a mini-delivery hub. ie - they SORT packages into hand trucks right in the street. /1
Amazon's delivery contractors are using the streets as distribution/sorting centers. NO other delivery service (UPS, USPS, DHL, FedEX) would be this brazen. Those delivery trucks only park for an hour max at any one spot while they go to different buildings. /2
Amazon is exploiting our roads for their own profit, and escaping accountability by having independent contractors do it. It's waaaayyy over the line. /end