
NEW: Leonard Peltier, the Native American rights activist the U.S. govt put in prison ~50 years ago, is getting what may be his last chance at freedom. FBI director Chris Wray says the bureau remains opposed to his parole. His statement is full of holes.
Leonard Peltier Is Getting What May Be His Last Chance At The Native American rights activist, whom the U.S. government put in prison nearly 50 years ago after a trial rife with misconduct, is getting a parole hearing.
Its absolutely deranged that so many Civil rights activists have remained in prison after all these decades. The absurdity of our justice system that people are celebrated as heroes in history books for Civil Rights but remain imprisoned in spite of such things. It is insidious.
And those who have worked to destroy the country walk free!
I can never quite reconcile my feelings around this, either. I always catch myself thinking "and these are the heroes who survived; these are the ones who lived". Is it even any better though? It's still so unclear which is more inhumane - life in prison, or dying free. (Still worse options tho…)
We should never give up fighting for their sakes. They have sacrificed their freedom, their time, and some their lives, and many still suffer. We really are the hope of countless to have justice and freedom in our lifetimes. I hope for a future in which we all have freedom and equity.
Absolutely. I'll never forget the brave predecessors who built these movements on their backs for a future they understood they were not likely to see in their own lifetimes, and I will carry the torch with all the strength I can muster; but I don't intend to give up on those who're still here now.
I'll fight like hell for as many of us as possible to see that future together. It's never too late & it will always be worth it.