
OK so I'm obsessed with rightwing cultural responses to existential realities (mainly climate change). Carnivore makes 100% sense to me. People don't want to acknowledge climate change and prioritize fascistic cruelty ergo a meat-only diet. But the raw milk thing has me CONFUSED.
Well, you see, the government makes us pasteurize milk in order to remove all the healthy microbes that keep us strong, because they want us soft and weak for when they come to take our guns away. Also, they’re definitely putting 5G fluoride in the pasteurized milk.
but my question is: how does this benefit the right wing??? like, they're just gonna all die?????????
They don’t think they’re going to die. And most of them won’t, which only proves their point.
But in reality, I think the current raw milk thing is mostly an extension of the antivax movement. Anything science tells you is a lie, vaccines and pasteurization cause autism, etc etc
They think it makes them stronger. It's really adjacent to the fitness people too.
I will admit, I once had some raw milk straight out of the holding tank at a dairy farm in West Virginia, and… I get why people assume it must be healthier. It definitely tastes healthier.
Yeah, also a lot is full on libertarian hedonism.
Oh, for sure. I just mean that I get why it feels wrong to people when we’re constantly told that nature is perfect and humans are the problem but then the government only wants you to drink boiled milk that doesn’t taste nearly as fresh/healthy as the raw stuff.