
Every time the topic of papers not fact-checking opinion pieces comes up, I'm reminded that a music critic here in MN once wrote an entire commentary putting my orchestra on blast for not building our European tour around a piece of new American music when we had literally done exactly that.
I didn't check the news today, but do I have this right that the world's most self-important newspaper ran an op-ed by a Hitler Youth-looking motherfucker explaining why voting is bad and he never does it, and it took 6 seconds for someone to look up that he in fact votes in every election?
Different levels of bad, obviously, but the point is, papers really do categorically refuse to fact check a single thing on the opinion pages. If you're white and know someone at the paper, you can vomit out a "commentary" saying bananas are trans pedo groomers and they'll print that shit.
It's infuriating because when I had a piece published in the NYT's opinion section, it was fact checked within an inch of its life - they even called my doctors and read my medical records and test results. Pretty invasive. But they couldn't check that guy's voting record? 😠
Yeah, it's always instructive who they decide is inherently trustworthy and who must prove the veracity of every word.