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He/Him | architect | gamer
I'm always a fan of metal or dark bass-heavy techno ot phonk for gaming. but sometimes paganini hits the spot. #eveonline #tweetfleet
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At himehome.etsy.com, you can shop from these regions in the world: 🔹️ EU 🔹️ UK 🔹️ USA 🔹️ Canada and 🔹️ Mexico is joining the fun very soon! 😊
#eveonline looking as brilliant as ever
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And one more because reasons. 🦑
There we go (I actually AM going to go eat breakfast and get to work now though)
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Mass Effect: Andromeda was released 7 years ago today. And the next Mass Effect is still in development.
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Marvel at the spectacular colors of the Bifrost Nemertean, a ribbon worm named after Bifröst, the rainbow bridge in Norse mythology that spans Earth and Asgard (the realm of the gods) 🧪 lifewatch.be/en/worms-top...
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As they say... Speak softly, wear a big hat and carry a big hammer. #eldenring
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Alex Garland's Annihilation was released 6 years ago today. "After something happens to her husband on an above-top-secret mission, Lena (Natalie Portman) finds herself leading a research team in to an unprecedented biological disaster of alien origin."
Me listening to a shi* load of SCP stuff, playing Elden ring and reading Star Wars en mass has influenced my tattoo decisions quite a bit. I thought my edgelord phase went away when I got 19 or so haha. Welcome back edgy friend. Let’s get some dark ink under the skin.
Favourite part of my friday afternoon... #eveonline #tweetfleet
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Dune (2021): Spacing Guild costume design, art by Keith Christensen Costume designer Jacqueline West: "It’s all quite ecclesiastic. I looked to a lot of drawings and murals from the Avignon Papacy in the 1200s, but we made it look more ominous with those big dome headdresses..."
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I cannot urge fellow video game professionals to sign up for George Osborn's marvellous Video Games Industry Memo newsletter. IMHO it's essential reading for connected industry types and perfectly balances the must-know with the more complex big picture news stories. You can sign up below.
Video Games Industry Memo | George Osborn | Substackvideogamesindustrymemo.substack.com Explaining games, every Thursday. Written by George Osborn. Click to read Video Games Industry Memo, by George Osborn, a Substack publication with thousands of subscribers.
Spaaaaaaace money and beautiful ambiente #eveonline
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I still think about the game STORIES UNTOLD a lot. It's like a great short horror story collection, told purely through in-game interaction with computers / consoles / monitors. Very strange but really effective!
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Vicky Butterfly photographed by Scott Chalmers
Sexually Suggestive
Labeled by Bluesky Moderation Service
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Happy anniversary #TheDivision 🎂 How about we share some memories from the game today? The first time I brought Hubby to the DZ, I told him to not shoot at other agents because I didn't want to go rogue. He had other plans. "I wanted to try" was his excuse as we flagged rogue...
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Wulflamhaus, Stralsunder Rathaus und Blick auf den Hafen. ⛵️
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robyn can have a sappy lovey drifteris moment, as a treat
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BTW, by "Draw" I mostly meant creating Vector art in Krita. Below you can see my take on an Austrian Folklore monster called Schnabelperchten. I believe I learned about those by following @slimyswampghost.bsky.social #art #artist (Well... "Art" at any rate)
Sooooo... i was just scanning through the #ShadowoftheErdtree trailer analyzing and... what i first though where just ruin fragments ala Farum azula... THESE structures remind me of something very different. Numen caravel/galleon? Whats going on here #ELDENRING
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I love this kid of research that reveals something new in mundane items! The blue color of blueberries, plums, or juniper cones is not due to a blue pigment! It comes from tiny randomly arranged wax crystals boosting UV and blue light by interference of scattered light waves. #EduSky #ChemSky 🧪
Study: Tiny Structures in Wax Coating of Blue-Pigmented Fruits Give Them Their Blue Color | Sci.Newswww.sci.news Scientists have investigated dark pigmented fruits with wax blooms, like blueberries, plums, and juniper cones, and found that a structural color mechanism is responsible for their appearance.
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One million new users since we opened Bluesky yesterday! Welcome to Bluesky!!! 🎉
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Theodor Lessing (* 8. Februar 1872)war ein deutscher Philosoph, Schriftsteller und Publizist. Der am 31. August 1933 von drei nationalsozialistischen Attentätern in der Tschechoslowakei erschossene Autor gehört zu den ersten bekannten Opfern des Nationalsozialismus in dem Land
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Megastructures: The Visual Encyclopedia Book is back on Kickstarter! If you missed the first print of this magnificent book, now's the time 👌
Wow! We raised over $10k on day 1 of the new Megastructure Kickstarter. Thanks to everyone for such a sign of support! As promised, here's a brand new piece of mega art, the Dyson Sphere, which will be featured in the bonus book. Let's keep it going www.kickstarter.com/projects/art...
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Sooooo @vohlos.bsky.social I did a thing and embraced the way of Krab again (thus losing EVE again) (Eve Online) #gaming
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Hello #portfolioday ! I like to draw awful beings!