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Oh boy. Gee golly wiz.
I don’t know how anyone could slice this in any way except for really bad.
US Government since 2016 has been like a derpy House of Cards where real lives are ruined.
Joseph Quinn looks like a first draft of Robert Downey Jr.
I think I probably should have seen A Quiet Place in a Dolby theater. Hopefully I didn’t miss out.
Biden’s already made his decision. If these high level political actors don’t like it, then either make a firm stance or shut up. This passive hinting is garbage. Dems should be more decisive and rally together fast. Voters want stability.
Never judge a book by its cover… unless the cover has words on it telling you what the book is about. Then that’s fine. Also if the book is a comic book. Then that’s fine too.
It’s not enough for voters to dislike the opposing candidate. They have to be excited for yours too. Justified or not, excitement about Biden has waned steadily throughout his presidency. He has a lot of work to do, not just to win back our trust but also to galvanize those who usually don’t care.
How about we don’t let people run for public office if they hit the age of retirement before the end of their term…
Our options for president are either a cup of lukewarm chamomile tea or a poison oak salad. Yay…
End of feed.