Peter - Wackomedia

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Peter - Wackomedia

An independent simulation artist and fan of the future. We can make it a good one if we try. Adrift but salvable. He/Him
@[email protected]
There's got to be people out here who match my freak, I just gotta find them.
This is a reminder that I need to start reaching out again. I've made a lot of cool things in the last two years, hardly anyone has seen them. 2025 will be year of new contacts.
Seems I've been written out of the story. I've gone from co-founder to "coworker at a previous company." From the one being enthusiastic about VR and meetups to it not being my idea to do them. That's ok, I guess, that's the way it goes in business.
Guys, I just don't think "the Jedi suck" is the subversive take you think it is. The prequels ruined them 20 years ago. If you want to do something unexpected, have one of them do something with long term positive impact. #starwars #Acolyte
I can shorten and lengthen strands but I have not touched those tools at all yet. you can see here that I've BEARLY combed it. You can even see the rogue strands that are causing issue. I'm going to stop here for now. Having him furry is enough progress for tonight.
I like the way the fur is laying on the forehead, if I can get the rest to work like that I think it's better than no fur. Under his nose looks too much like Mixie, aka too dogish.
An early fur test for my #MickeyMouse It's not close to final, I'm letting you in on the first few hours of tweaking it so please keep that in mind. First one is no fur (a possible final option) next is fur with no comb, final is fur combed in a minute to just give the idea.
Interesting, I made three posts and only two fed over. I'm probably going to need to break up thoughts from now on. I'm going to try it now.
It turns out there was a fourth #firefly book. I'm glad I read it last because it's the best of them. A mystery to solve and a reset that's not as blatant as the others. It's called Generations by Tim Lebbon and I recommend it when I didn't really care for the others.
The trailer is now a year old. I was hoping to get it out by now, but animation problems stop me.
Whelp, I'm off to bed. Making this last post to watch it transfer over to #mastodon and #bluesky overnight. Enjoy this #dog I saw in traffic the other day.
hmm the reply to myself didn't transfer, I thought that was one of the abilities so I'm testing again.
the post transferred but the gif did not. They must have changed something here. That's ok, I can use photos for the time being when I want to add a little color to a post.
Now I need to test gif transfers. The system says it can do it but I have not seen it work yet. If you don't see me my approving of your life choices it didn't work.
I need to test video transfer. If you don't see a pelican I saw on a recent trip to visit my brother then it didn't work.
Elon: Peter, no! Me: Peter yeeeees!
Ok, I think it stopped with just this months posts. Now that I know how to do this I can walk ya'll through it if you want. it does require Linux or telling me your passwords if you want me to run it.
Oh snap it worked! I just spammed both mastodon and bluesky with tweet cross post! I hope it doesn't do them all that would be 60K over 18 years.
Still not working, but I'm close. I just need the system to log into a burner account and they cross posting will be mine!
Big storm came through... then left after 15 minutes. Thought it was going to rain all night.
I really should switch to over here, but it's hard to let go of twitter and mastodon.
OMG what if they say it's woke now? What if the ultimate and literal gender fluid character is seen as trans?
For real, the makers of Roadhouse really understood what the original was about.
Watching the new #roadhouse I'm only a little in and this clearly has the spirit of the original with the style cranked way up. It looks great.
The fisheye lens worked! I got it on amazon for 19.99 and fills the screen while being ultra short throw. I have to hold it up manually right now so have no hands free to take a pic, but it's coming!
The mirror the tv came with is also ideal. I don't think I'll end up using it though I have a scaffolding system that will make it redundant. We shall see though.
The lenses are useful but I'm still missing a focusing agent that the tv didn't need. I've ordered something from amazon that might do it.
All of the bad law news has given me a huge amount of stress. I really hope they appeal and win to prosecute Trump for selling out secrets to our enemies. If we don't then are we a nation of laws?
For the first time I've had to close twitter for a day. Ya'll stressin' me out.