


I woke up early the other day and couldn't get back to sleep, so I decided to hit an early breakfast at Waffle House at 5am. When I got there, a sign on the door said "To-go only 11:30PM - 6AM". Has the job market gotten so bad that Waffle House can't find employees who know how to fight?
My superpower is hitting the 'Skip Intro' button exactly as it expires and it just pauses the intro.
Why is Netflix saying a bunch of stuff is dropping on April 1st? They're not fooling me.
Shit, I had a really good post in mind, but these thoughts really are ephemeral.
The local news just said that a high school needs a new principal. From what I've seen in the movies, a willingness to throw a child off the roof of a building is a positive trait, so I'm pretty sure I'm qualified.
Just had the realization that it's probably a really good thing that George W Bush didn't turn out to be a shitty artist until after his presidency.
Science has fournd a way for humans to communicate with animals. The founder has decided that his dog will be the first animal man communicates with. Founder: Have you been happy? Have I treated you well? Dog: Bitch, I look you straight in the eye while I'm lickin my junk and you don't have a clue?
End of feed.