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I am a mockery of myself. Occasional fits of quasi-genius. Mostly just an old weirdo.
So. In brief, an update on whats going on in my life. Prison term, served. Mother, deceased. Father, going blind and is my roommate. I am mostly at peace these days, contenting myself with cooking and composing strange music and playing the vidya sporadically. That's about it! Any Q's, ask.
BTW, anyone who's... er... vetting me? Please don't kick me to the curb. I've been doing the internet thing since like... 95? Or something? I know which way is up. I am no troll. Just a bit out of touch. Have patience, with me, a formerly faithless man.
Hello... Echo...Echo...Echo... I crawl to the gate of your castle, mud-caked and bedraggled, with the last bit of my strength I cry out... "Open the door! In the name of the Lord, open the door!"
End of feed.