warrior rabbit

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warrior rabbit


Liker of animals, bicycles, rain, TV, travel, art, soccer, puns, genealogy, and copious quiet time. @warriorrabbit everywhere.

📍San Diego
My list of faves for a feed
Moderation list by @warriorrabbit.bsky.social
My personal most-visited, -entertaining, or -informative favorites.
Problematic users
Moderation list by @warriorrabbit.bsky.social
Spammers, keyword abusers, or otherwise questionable (Sketchy News)
Workaround for feed creation (wosojo)
Moderation list by @warriorrabbit.bsky.social
Creating a soccer journalism feed drawing from accounts requires creating a “mute” list, unfortunately, and then calling that list as a feed source. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
End of list.