
Olympics! Women’s soccer/football fans: Try the WWC feed (home to international teams/competitions) Use the FIFA country code +WNT (EspWNT, GerWNT, CanWNT, USWNT, FraWNT, etc) or #wolyfoot to be caught in the feed Some team nicknames will also work, such as Matildas.
Last year I crawled back to Twitter after being gone for 8 months because I wanted to be part of the World Cup discourse and see clips quickly. But not this year. I’m keeping my hot takes here on Blue Sky.
It’s hard not to poke your head in there when all the teams and leagues and journalists are there. I keep a presence there for sports harvesting and for some animal pals/community. Little else.
I had a thought today that the sports journalists are never going to come over here. Not even for women’s sports. I think something catastrophic would have to happen to Twitter.
Probably. Every time something happens over there, they poke their heads over here, but then they go back.