
Our political reporters are answering many of your questions live on our site right now. You can still submit your question at the link below for them to see, but until then, here's a thread of some of the most common questions and answers we're seeing 🧵
Trump has been found guilty in N.Y. trial. Ask us your Our reporters will be answering your questions during a live chat on Friday at 12 p.m. Eastern time.
Trump's lawyers have 30 days after the verdict to file notice of appeal and six months to submit the full appeal. It's highly unlikely that the appeal would delay sentencing, which is set for July 11.
Others asked if the case could land with the Supreme Court. If Trump exhausts his appeals in the New York state courts of appeal, Trump could try and appeal to SCOTUS, but it's a process that could take years.
User JMSeattle asked if the full transcript of the trial, including all evidence presented, was available online so people can review for themselves. It is. You can read the full daily transcripts here: Or, read them on the court's website:
(And if you're curious about what evidence was center at this hush-money trial, we got you: The prosecution’s case against Trump relied on 34 documents: 11 invoices, 12 vouchers and 11 checks.) Here's a gift link to read and see some of the evidence:
The evidence that led to Trump’s hush money The prosecution’s case against Trump relied on 34 documents: 11 invoices, 12 vouchers and 11 checks.
Donald Trump also faces 54 charges in three other criminal indictments. The most substantial federal counts are related to obstruction, which is punishable by up to 20 years in prison. Here's a breakdown of the other charges.
The other 54 criminal charges Trump Trump was convicted on 34 counts in his New York hush money trial and faces 54 charges in three other criminal indictments.
Back to your questions. After the verdict, Trump made exit remarks, speaking the press. Chuck asked Post reporter Devlin Barrett why he was allowed to talk to the press in court, and if there was anything special that gave him that privilege.
Mark Berman, our national reporter covering law enforcement, answered a question about if Trump’s continuing assertion of his innocence will affect his sentence. It could.
This is a question we saw repeatedly: What penalties does the law actually state for the crimes Trump was convicted on? Shayna Jacobs, who covers courts and criminal justice, said Judge Merchan doesn't have to wait for his appeal to get resolved in order to enforce a jail or prison sentence.
Other questions focused on the status of the other Trump cases. SCOTUS heard oral arguments in April on Trump’s claim that he is immune from criminal prosecution on charges of trying to overturn the 2020 election while president. Justices are likely to issue a decision in late June or early July.
Tracking the Trump criminal cases and where they Donald Trump, the Republican presidential nominee, has been indicted in four criminal cases. Here is the latest news on each.
Not that Trump would ever admit guilt or express remorse, but if he did, how to reconcile that with his ongoing appeals based on his purported innocence?
Why don’t you answer all the questions instead of cherry picking the ones you like?
Is each of the 34 documents the basis for one of the 34 felony counts?