
The death toll from an Israeli raid on the Nuseirat refugee camp has risen to 274 Palestinians, Gaza’s Health Ministry said Sunday. Israel’s Saturday raid, one of the bloodiest in the war, on the central Gazan camp freed four hostages.
Israel-Gaza war live updates: At least 274 Palestinians killed during Israeli raid to rescue 4 The return of hostages sparked relief in Israel. But in Gaza, the rescue mission emerged as one of the deadliest days for Palestinians since the war began.
Moral: Don’t take hostages.
Actual moral: Don't slaughter 274 people to rescue 4. Other actual moral: Accept the existing ceasefire deal that would have returned all hostages with zero further death. Other other actual moral: Examine what went so badly wrong with your conscience that you posted what you posted.
Most likely more than four hostages were killed too. Not only the Israeli army is morally bankrupt, it also is brutally incompetent.
I just hope these people are treated with all the morality and dignity that Israel has for others. According to them it's top notch so I'm sure they'll enjoy it.
Don’t break ceasefires, if you don’t want war; Hamas did and does. Don’t kidnap people and hide them among your civilians, if you don’t want your people killed; Hamas did and does. Surrender and release all the hostages, if you want this to be over. Hamas doesn’t and won’t. They’re delighted!
"Don't be Palestinian if you don't want Israel to commit genocide against you".
Israel is not committing a genocide; it’s waging war. Get yourself a dictionary.
Most of the 34,000+ people who died in this “war” are Palestinian women, children and elderly. Israel has taken 6x as many hostages as Hamas without trial. The infrastructure in Gaza has been totally crippled. Hospitals, schools and homes have been destroyed. How is this not a genocide?
How did Israel managed to be in a list of "actors who intentionally harm children." 'Most moral army' what a joke. It is, though, the most cross-dressing army. They look fabulous on the videos they willingly share dressed with stolen women clothes 💋
"... if you don't want your people killed." That is how terrorists think and act. Kudos lady!
There was a ceasefire in place on 10/7 when Hamas invaded. Israel was a peace with the Palestinians. This part is called “consequences” aka Fuck Around and Find Out.
You're so dissociated from reality.
Thanks! I’m *extremely* glad to be wholly dissociated from the “reality” where people believe Israel is conducting itself in a morally defensible manner and are certain that Palestinians have brought this rampant slaughter on themselves and that it’s good to bomb hospitals and mass murder children.
EXTREMELY glad! If this be dissociation, give me more of it.
Israel’s conduct in this war has not only been *moral* but *exemplary*. A proportionate response would’ve been to do to Palestinian civilians *exactly* what Hamas did to Israelis civilians on 10/7 and in the days following. Israel has exercise tremendous restraint under the circumstances.
What an utterly deranged series of statements to make.
You're living in la la land where Israel was just peacefully minding it's own business and got attacked out of nowhere. That is being dissociated from reality.
How many Palestinian children was Israel holding in detention for charges of “throwing rocks” before Oct. 7? Or are hostages only real when the Bad Guys™️ take them?
Moral: don't be an occupying ethnostate and your people won't get taken as hostages
Israel hasn’t occupied Gaza in 17 years. Keep up.
No. The blockage still exists in every aspect of Palestinian society. Palestinians have numbers given to them by Israel to monitor the entire population. Israel controls the ability to turn off electricity and water. There is a blockade on goods and Palestinians are not allowed freedom of movement.
The 2005 withdrawal was just a military withdrawal of IDF forces. The occupation still exists, as confirmed by Israel's OWN supreme court. Dumbass.
All Israeli settlers in Gaza were forced out of their homes and returned to Israel with the withdrawal of the IDF nearly two decades ago.
As an aside, has heaping abuse on the person you’re debating ever in your experience changed their mind? Has that ever worked with anyone? I mean, how many verbal opponents have said, “That’s it! I’m convinced. Flinging one more insult has totally opened my eyes”? 😂
It’s not Israel’s responsibility to *provide* water or electricity to Gaza! Hamas is the governing power in Gaza and has been for 17 years. Building and maintaining that infrastructure is *their* responsibility. What Israel’s provided thus far is simply *charity*!
Correct, allow Palestinians to build their own infrastructure and manage it. Let me know when Israel allows that. Half the population wasn't born when Hamas was elected and Netanyahu funded Hamas to circumvent a Palestinian state You're a psychotic freak if you think Israelis provide "charity"
Even better moral: don't steal land that doesn't belong to you
No one “stole” anything, except for Hamas terrorists and Palestinians who breached the border and looted Israeli homes while murdering its occupants.
What is this "border"? Is it separating countries or what
No one stole anything? What's happening in the West Bank right now?
It's wild how Zionists can just ignore basic facts
And before you block me like the Zionist coward you are, please, please, ingest an entire bag of feces you rotten demon.
Did you know the overwhelming majority of American Christians of all denominations consider themselves Zionists”? Yet your pro-Palestinian Brown Shirts only target and harass Jews on campus they assume to be “Zionist”? Why is that?
Do you know how unhinged you sound? Your pariah state will crumble. The lies and the bloodshed are too much for Zionist money to hide. Zionism is not the same as being Jewish, no matter how hard you try with your filthy lies. Eat a bag of dicks and enjoy the stigma of being a genocide supporter
Serious question for you: when Trump gets elected, will you still support the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from their land?
Israel is a monster since its inception.
Why no mention of the use of a humanitarian aid truck as a disguise for the raid? Oh right, war crimes. Can’t admit guilt.
> freed four hostages How did hostages get there?
How many hostages were killed in this savage raid? My guess; more than four
Your guess - how did hostages appear between civilians, right in civilian houses?
IDF has to be the most bloodthirsty military on the planet.
Why do you continuously spread misinformation of Hamas „Ministry of Health“?