
California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) plans to swing through a series of battleground states to campaign for President Biden as Biden grapples with the fallout from his halting debate performance.
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Maybe a little more scrutiny on the candidate that lied the entire time including the statement of not having sex with a porn star.
Look, Joe will step down!Kamala will be the pres Joe can work w her till Jan 20 She will appoint a VIce pres, Shapiro, Gretchen, Gavin, Sherrod Wes dems will vote for her and she’ll already be the pres w experience Everyone will vote for her, she’s wonderful Joe Elder statesmen No convention probs
I prefer that president Biden stays but your idea is good too.
What's your confidence that Biden in the current form wins over Trump in November? I'm at about 10%.
He overwhelmingly beat Trump before.
A lot has changed in four years. The margin was not comfortable enough to say it can be repeated.
I had a conversation somewhere else and they changed my mind, now I think VP Harris would be a better option.
A hundred percent that President Biden will win , he has an excellent record.
Honestly I panicked after the debate , but after watching his rally next day I changed my mind.
Why does Biden have to step down? She’s literally next in line if something were to happen to him, I don’t understand the obsession with kicking him off the ticket to put her on top like there’s not already a plan in place for if he can’t do the job. We’re doing exactly what Rs were hoping we’d do.
He’s been wonderful but he’s the face of the presidency. I’m sure he could keep on but I don’t think he’ll win. And his Parkinson’s which robs you of your voice, or just age, will get worse. Kamala is great and she’ll pick someone compelling as well. Otherwise we are f*******
Newsom is campaigning for Biden in the same way that Homer purchased Marge a bowling ball.
The fallout which is exclusively the media’s doing. Hey did you guys ever report that Trump admitted to be working with Putin to hold a journalist hostage for his political gain? I mean, as journalists that should matter more than a man stuttering during half of a debate.