
Donald Trump and his campaign hope President Biden stays in the race, according to four people familiar with private discussions, believing they can beat him even with Trump’s felony conviction and other charges. But they are also ramping up attacks on Vice President Harris.
Trump advisers hope Biden stays in race, as they eye alternate After dismissing suggestions the president could withdraw, the Trump campaign is beginning to consider having to reboot the campaign.
This is the clearest signal that Biden must stay.
Alternatively, he could just order Seal Team Six to execute the convicted felon and domestic terrorist. I mean, he got the green light from SCOTUS...
Stop trying to make resignation happen you weird sickos.
Well if journalists actually did their due diligence and reported on the facts, America wouldn't be in this mess. Mainstream media is no longer interested in the truth but the monetary gain by ignoring and sensationalizing events, no matter the cost to society
100% not true. Trump still afraid of Biden.
they are ramping up attacks on Kamala Harris EVEN with her felony conviction and other dozens of indictments and charge for espionage?
Her felony conviction? When was she convicted of anything?
she hasn’t been. I just thought the wording from WP was bizarre - “even with his felony conviction…”
Oh ok. Thanks for the clarification!
Biden's withdrawal will be an act of greatness. He can rid the US and the world 🌎 of the darkness represented by Donald Trump.